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because the sandstone is smooth and big

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Q: How big is sandstone and why is it called sandstone?
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Does sandstone have crystals?

sandstone has crystals, big ones not small ones

What is metamorphic rock formed from sandstone called?

Sandstone can be metamorphosed into quartzite. Heat and pressure bake the sandstone and it becomes extremely hard.

What is a sedementary rock formed from sand deposits?

Sandstone is formed from deposits of sand.

What is metamorphic quartz sandstone?

Is a called a plate

What metamorphic rocks form sandstone?

The most common metamorphic rock associated with the regional, contact, or depth of burial metamorphosis of sandstone is quartzite.

What metamorphic rock is formed sandstone?

Quartz sandstone, aka arenite, can form the metamorphic rock called quartzite.

What is a type of sedimentary rock that is formed from compressed sand?

Compressed and cemented sand is called sandstone.

What are the layers of sandstone called?

The layers of any sedimentary rock are called strata.

What are the cliffs at starved rock made of?

The cliffs and canyons of Starved Rock are made of an Ordivician age sandstone called St. Peter sandstone.

What rock forms when sandstone goes through heat and pressure?

Sandstone that has experienced heat and high pressure can form a metamorphic rock called quartzite.

How can you tell that sandstone is older than a basalt layer?

If the sandstone is below the basalt layer, it is older. Though caution is advised, to make sure it is really a basalt layer and not an intrusion of gabbro. Other indicators that the sandstone is older is evidence of alteration to the sandstone where the two meet (called a "baked contact") and pieces of sandstone being found in the the basalt.

What is a Sand grains cemented together into solid stone called?
