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Well that depends on the size of the jewellery being used in the cartilage. Cartilage piercings are never to be done with a piercing gun for obvious reasons. The needle is over gauged which is to say it's one size bigger than the jewellery going into the piercing. This is to allow the tissue to heal around the exposed cartilage and allow for a clean heal between the jewellery and cartilage. This is not a do it your self piercing, serious infections and permanent damage can result due to lack of knowledge of the human body and it's structures..

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Q: How big is the needle they use to pierce the cartilage in your ear?
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Is it better to pierce with a needle or gun?

The Needle. Using The Gun To Pierce Like For Example Your Cartilage In Your Ear, The Cartilage Might Shatter And Youll Feel Tiny Bumps Around Your New Piercing, Thatll Mean You Have Shattered Your Cartilage. So In My Opinion For Choosing What To Pierce With I Would Have To Say A Hollow Piercing Needle :)

How do you pierce my ear without a needle?

you can pierce your ear with a needle by burning it and put alcolhol in your ear for 5 to 10 minutes and get the burned needle and stick it in there

If your pierce the cartilage in your ear does it die?

no it doesn't

Which part of the ear do people pierce to wear earrings?

Most women pierce the lobe of the ear, although others, pierce the cartilage.

How do they peirce the cartilage on a ear?

The best way to pierce ear cartilage (or any cartilage) is with a needle. Using a piercing gun (a machine which fires a sharpened stud through tissue) is generally a bad idea as they tend to crack the surrounding cartilage because guns were not designed to pierce cartilage. This cracking results in a longer healing time, more pain, and can cause wonky piercings and increase your chance of keloids (bumps of scar tissue around the piercing). So, with a needle the procedure is simple. A straight, bevelled, medical grade needle, usually 14 or 16 gauge is pushed through the ear. The jewellery then slides through afterwards. Easy.

Is it easier to piece your ear when the needle is hot?

You probably shouldn't pierce your ear if you can't spell pierce.

How do you pierce your belly button without a gun thingy?

Only horribly uneducated people would pierce anything let alone a bellybutton with a piercing gun. Go to a piercer. They will pierce it with a sterile needle. DO NOT try to do it yourself. You will most likely end up with an infection and possibly a huge scar.

Does claries do tragus piercings?

No. Claire's uses a gun to pierce, and tragus piercings can only be done with a needle. Claire's strictly does only Outer Ear piercings like the lobe and cartilage. Some Claire's don't even do cartilage.

How involved are the steps for doing a cartilage piercing?

The process of piercing cartilage is generally quick and uncomplicated, unlike the healing process of this type of piercing. First, the instruments and area around where the piercing will be need to be cleaned thoroughly. Next, a trained professional will pierce your ear with a hollow needle, using marks to ensure the piercing isn't crooked. Once the needle is through both layers of skin and the cartilage, the jewelry should be inserted into the hollow needle and pulled through the fresh piercing with the needle.

Does piercing pegoda pierce different parts of the ear?

yea they pierce cartilage and lobes. they only pierce ears there so im sure theyd pierce anywhere on that thing :l.

Can you get your ear pierced at the top of age 11?

Yes you can, however this can not be done with a piercing gun. This needs to be done by a professional body piercer in a licensed peircing facility. Piercing guns are not intended to nor are they designed to pierce ear cartilage, infact in most places it is illegal ( by local health regulations ) for anyone to use the piercing gun to pierce anything other than the lower ear lobe. The piercing stud will actually "break" the ear cartilage in stead of cut it like a piercing needle would, this breaking can lead to various forms of disfigurement of the ear cartilage requiring the services of a plastic surgeon to repair. Any location using a piercing gun to pierce upper ear cartilage is doing so in violation with most health regulations and the manufacturers instruction. Doing it doesn't make it right or legal.

What ear should you pierce for upper ear cartilage?

Its better to get it on which ever ear you don't sleep on or talk on the phone with to make healing easier. I'd put it on the less attractive ear. It'll distract from weird cartilage folds and whatnot. No such thing as a "gay ear".