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Q: How big of a habitat do penguins need in a zoo?
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Where did the African penguins go that were at the flamingo hotel in Vegas?

The African penguins went to the Dallas Zoo in April 2006. Twelve lived at the Flamingo's Wildlife Habitat since 1995, when they were acquired from the Honolulu Zoo.

Do penguins eat lions?

Yes they could if they met but it is unlikely because they do not live in the same habitat but it might happen if they got together in a zoo.

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Do you put penguins in a zoo or aquarium?


How do you upgrade a habitat on zoo mumba?

to upgrade a habitat on, you need to collect pawprints. These are won whilst tending to your zoo, on the wheel, or on safari, and the balance can be seen by going into your zoo depot, or by clicking on a habitat, and clicking on the pawprint symbol, which will show you the next habitat upgrade, how many pawprints you need to get this, and how many pet pennies the upgrade will cost.

Are there penguins in Greece?

yes, there are penguins in Greece

Can you see a penguin at the zoo?

Yes, penguins can be found at Blackpool Zoo.

Can penguins live in Texas?

In a zoo yes. But they need to be in there own cold conditions. They couldn't randomly survive there

Why do platypuses need to be in a zoo?

Platypuses do not need to be in a zoo. They thrive in their native habitat, and they are not endangered. Zoos are not good places for platypuses as it is still rare for platypuses to breed in captivity.

Are penguins domestixated?

only in zoo's

Where the penguins belong?

In Antarctica or the zoo

Do penguins live in a zoo?
