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Q: How big of an explosion can a nuclear bomb make?
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How big does a plane have to be to drop a nuclear bomb?

That depends on how big the nuclear bomb is.

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How is a nuclear bomb different then a nuclear accident?

An nuclear bomb is purposefully release to pulse out damage. A nuclear accident, on the other hand, is an accident when a nuclear source (usually referring to a nuclear plant) either blows up or leaks. Although it is normally weaker and less dangerous than a nuclear bomb, a big enough explosion or a serious enough nuclear meltdown can break that limit.

How big is a nuclear bomb explosion?

Nuclear bombs come in various sizes; the smaller ones have explosions equivalent to thousands of tons of dynamite; the larger ones go up to the millions of tons.

How a nuclear bomb works?

Well, the technical explanation is very complicated, so I will make it more simple: there are the fission bomb, and the thermonuclear bomb. The fission bomb makes an explosion through the splitting of atom. Atom is the smallest measurement. There are neutrons and photons in a atom. But when you split the atom to make a big explosion, you do not use any atom. We usually use an atom of uranium-235. When the uranium atom is split, the normal amount of neutrons or photons does not come out. Then the neutrons release lots of energy! (Very simple explanation: A fission bomb is a bomb that uses energy from splitting uncontrolled atoms. And a thermonuclear bomb is just opposite to fission bomb, it gets energy from fusion of atoms to make a heavier one.

How does a nuke create such a big explosion?

Nuclear weapons are very powerful.

Why Iran need a nuclear bomb and did she make one?

Iran wants to be big man in the neighborhood. Not yet.___________________________________________Iran never declared that it needs a nuclear bomb and never tried to have it. Iran; as declared; is building up a peaceful nuclear power program.

How many Kia's frpm a nuclear attack?

One Kia is big explosion

Was the atomic bomb the worlds biggest nuclear explosion?

No. Hydrogen Bombs have been detonated that make the atomic bomb look small in comparison. The Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan in WW2 were 25 Kton (equivilent to 25000 tons of dynamite), while H bombs can be as big as several hundred Megaton (million tons of dynamite)

How big was the nuclear bomb used in fallout 3?

It wasn't just one bomb.. It was a huge nuclear bombardment during the Great War with China.

How does a atom bomb kill people?

Due to Big Explosion and has a Radiation which can kill many lives...

How big is the largest nuclear bomb?

The largest nuclear bomb ever detonated was the Soviet Union's Tsar Bomba in 1961, which had a yield of 50 megatons. It was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created and tested.