

How big roughly is a plant cell?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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15 micrometers or .015 millimeters

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Q: How big roughly is a plant cell?
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one big vacuole. every plant cell has one big vacuole, unless the cell has a disorder (or mutation)

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no a cell wall is in a plant cell a'n animal cell has a cell membrane and a plant has one big vacuole and the animal has many small ones

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A cell will divide to make sure that the cell does not grown too big. In a plant the cells have a cell wall that prevents it from growing too big.

Does an animal cell have a vacuole?

yes but its not as big as the plant cells

Is the cell membrane a plant or animal?

All cells have cell walls. The big difference is that plant cells have an additional layer of cell wall covering them.

How small is a vacuole?

It depends on whick cell its in! If its in a plant cell it would be rather big. If an animal cell it wouldn't be as big as something like a plant cell!!! Sorry that's all i know!! Im only in sixth grade!! -Twilight_Fam96 or AKA Rhianna!!!! :)