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A basic DNA kinship test can be done, which compares two people on a small set of autosomal genetic markers, called alleles. An allele is a form of a DNA sequence of a particular gene. A person inherits alleles randomly from both parents. Basically, by testing to see how many alleles two people share in common, a conclusion of high or low probablity of relatedness can be drawn. Some values are more common to match with people, while others are not. The rarer the alleles that match up, the more likely a person is related to the comparison.

Therefore, if you share a lot of rare alleles with a person, there is a high probability you two are related.

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Q: How can DNA tell if 2 humans are brother and sister?
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Get a DNA test, the sooner the better.

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DNA check at a hosbitle. There's no other way, unless you ask. Kind of weird to find out your cousin is actually your sister, guess you shouldn't have made out with her. ;)

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If DNA tests tell you that the baby is your brother, than it's your brother. There is an incredible amount of variation in DNA, so it should not be unexpected if a child does not look similar to what you would expect.

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A detailed medical examination would tell if your sister has ever been pregnant or not. If she says she hasn't got any kids, that should pretty much settle it. Or get the money together for DNA testing of you and her. That'll tell.

Do sponges have DNA?

Yes! Less than humans, but they do have DNA.

Why do humans have DNA?

because they do