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They view the many different Gods as different aspects of one Supreme Being.

There are three 'main' Hindu gods, Shiva, Brahman, and Visnu, which people choose to follow as their Supreme Beings, yet all Hindu's know they are still part of a single Being. Even within those three choices are hundreds more minor Gods, such as local village gods or river gods. A hindu may still worship that God over their selection of a "main" god. These "minor"/local Gods are all parts of their single God. Take the phrase "all is One" literally.

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It is, in a way, similar to Christianity. One God, but with different aspects.

Think about it this way:


You may also be a student, a parent, a friend, a partner, a dancer, a sports-person, and much more, but you are still you.


In Hinduism there are seven basic gods.


They are,

1. Indra - god of dreaming

2. Shakti - god of illusion

3. Brahma - god of creativity

4. Vishnu - god of stabilization of life

5. Shiva - god of determination

6. Shani - god of status increase

7. Yama - god of compulsion

The seven gods combined together form the supreme Hindu god Brahman.

The seven gods, or parts of the force they represent, can be combined in various permutations and combinations to form infinite Hindu gods to suit each occupation, geographical location or other needs of life.

Thus, a Hindu either

1. Surrenders to the supreme Hindu god Brahman

2. Believes in any of the infinite gods which constitute a part of Brahman.

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Why are Hindus considered polytheistic?

Because they believe in many gods.

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Click here for more information about the Hindu faith.Like the answer below, Hindus believe in one God in multiple manifestations.

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Hindus are polytheistic. Hindus follow different three main teachings of Hinduism and worship a vast array of gods. It has been called the oldest religion in the world. You can study the various sects and their many gods by performing an internet search for "Hindu Gods".Hindus are polytheistic. Hindus follow different three main teachings of Hinduism and worship a vast array of gods. It has been called the oldest religion in the world. You can study the various sects and their many gods by performing an internet search for "Hindu Gods".Hindus are polytheistic. Hindus follow different three main teachings of Hinduism and worship a vast array of gods. It has been called the oldest religion in the world. You can study the various sects and their many gods by performing an internet search for "Hindu Gods".Hindus are polytheistic. Hindus follow different three main teachings of Hinduism and worship a vast array of gods. It has been called the oldest religion in the world. You can study the various sects and their many gods by performing an internet search for "Hindu Gods".

What is the difference between judaism and Hinduism?

Judaism is a monotheist faith. Jews (and Christians and Muslims) believe in one god.Hinduism is a polytheistic faith. Hindus (and many other religions) believe in many gods.

How many Hindu Gods are there within Hinduism?

Most Hindus believe that there is one supreme god called Brahman. Depending on one's beliefs, Krishna or Vishnu and Shiva may also be considered gods. There are also many that believe there are 330 million gods in the Hindu religion with each representing a different power or emotion.

What does the Hinduism blieve about god?

The belief of hindus vary. Some believe in one Supreme God, others have three major Gods and a Goddess, most believe in many Gods and Goddesses. There are some, who do not believe in Gods or Goddesses. Some believe that all things are emergent from God. This is the freedom that Hinduism gives to its adherents. Different views are called 'matas' (opinions).

How do most Hindus regard their journey through life?

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WHAT DO YOU call it when you believe in many different gods?
