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Try to get your parents to sit down together with you and talk during a time while they are not fighting. Tell them both how badly it hurts you when they fight, and use words that will let them know just how much their fighting really hurts you and how it makes you feel when they do it. Talk to them calmly, without an angry or accusing tone, which may put them on the defensive and less receptive to what you are trying to tell them.

After you explain to them how their fighting makes you feel, ask them if they can't stop the fighting, if they can at least do it when you aren't around to hear it. That in itself will hopefully shame them into at least not doing it around you.

Although if that doesn't work, then your only option would be to either go in your room, shut your bedroom door and turn you music up very loud (so they can hear it and get the hint), or go outside. If you go outside, calmly tell them it hurts you to hear their fighting, and ask them to let you know when they are through, then make sure they see you go out the door, which will hopefully shame some sense into them.

But for your safety, don't leave your yard if you aren't old enough to go alone, or if you have to have your parents' permission first. Seeing you walk out the door to get away from their fighting just may be enough to make them realize how much this is hurting you.

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Q: How can I get my parents to stop fighting - I have tried to tell them that it hurts me but they won't go to counseling or talk to anyone about it so what should I do?
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How can I get my parents to stop fighting I have tried to tell them that it hurts me but they won't go to counseling or talk to anyone about it so what should I do?

you should calm down his happened to my friend once and todat her parents are very content. If you feel like the are never going to get along then take action and have family meetings and tell them how you fell. i am sure they will understand.

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