

How can I lessen my flu symptoms?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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12y ago

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You must drink a lot of liquids and rest for some time. It is a great idea to eat chicken noodle soup.

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Q: How can I lessen my flu symptoms?
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Is there a spice that cures the Swine Flu?

No, there are currently no cures for the flu with prescription medications or with spices or herbal medicines. There is prevention with vaccination and there is treatment of the symptoms and in some cases treatment with antiviral medications to shorten the duration and lessen the severity of symptoms, but no cures.

Will Tamiflu prevent influenza B?

No, Tamiflu is not very good at preventing the flu, although it can be used that way if started soon enough after symptoms begin. The better way to prevent the flu is with a vaccination. Tamiflu is intended for use to treat the flu and if given within the first 48 hours of infection it can speed the recovery and lessen the severity of the symptoms.

What are the symptoms of the onset of flu?

Some of the symptoms for the flu are the same as the common cold, but there are a few symptoms that you only get with the flu. The most common of these symptoms are a fever of 101 or higher, body and joint aches, and a headache. If you are experiencing these symptoms along with other cold like symptoms we recommend seeing your Dr. about the flu.

Will the H1N1 shot keep you from getting swine flu?

The H1NI vaccine SHOULD keep you safe. Still though, it is possible to contract it even if you have been vaccinated. The good new is that IF you do get it after you have been vaccinated, the symptoms will be very, very mild.

If you have both flu and cold symptoms what do you have?

You could have either a cold or the flu or both. Or, you could have allergies. See the related questions for information about the symptoms of cold and flu.

Anyone ever get flu like symptoms from poison oak sumac rash?

It's not common for poison oak to cause flu symptoms. However, it can cause allergy symptoms which can appear similar to those of a flu.

How can you recognize a flu symptom?

Flu symptoms are hard to recognize sometimes as they often appear as cold symptoms, however a telling sign of the flu is in the suddenness and intensity of which the symptoms hit you that are often accompanied by weakness and fatigue.

What do you have if you show Flu like symptoms red spots on belly?

flu like symptoms,red spots on belly,and nausea

Why does Swine Flu have no medicine?

The flu is caused by viruses and they can not be killed by medicines like bacteria can when you take antibiotics for an infection. Viruses are not living organisms and, therefore, are not affected by the things that kill living bacteria. A new flu vaccine was developed for the swine flu during the pandemic of 2009 and for the last several years this vaccine has been included in the seasonal flu vaccinations. It will help to prevent infection by this virus but will not cure it once you have the flu. Treatment for the flu includes OTC remedies for the symptoms of sore throat, cough, fever, etc. and use of the antiviral drugs for flu which do not cure, but will lessen the duration and severity of symptoms if taken within 48 hrs of the first signs of the flu. See the related questions below for more information on treatment of swine flu.

What are the most common symptoms of flu?

There are many symptoms of the flu. The most common symptoms of the flu include a fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, coughing, a sore throat, a runny nose, fatigue, nausea, and chills.

How can one contract the avian flu and what are it's symptoms?

To prevent contracting the avian flu, avoid contact with infected birds. If you have normal flu symptoms, eye infections, or respiratory issues, you many have the avian flu.

What are the common flu symptoms and how to prevent the flu?

Common flu symptoms can include cold-like symptoms of coughing and sneezing to fevers and sluggishness. A good way of trying to avoid getting the flu is washing your hands after touching possibly contaminated surfaces so that it doesn't spread.