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Try using a towel, or a wash cloth to hold him at first. As he gets used to being picked up you might not need it any more.

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Q: How can I take out my dwarf hamster from its cage when it tries to bite me whenever i put my hand in the cage?
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Should you get a dwarf Russian hamster or a roborovski?

You should get a dwarf russian hamster. I have one and I love it. My hamster is so friendly. It doesnt bite but when it is scared it might nibble on your finger. My hamster is so so calm and it is family friendly.

Will a dwarf hamster bite if you put food in your hand?

depends if the hamster is tame and used to being around people and their scent.

What should you do if you get a bite by a dwarf hamster?

Fist things fist. Wash the bite with soap and water. The next time you try to pick up your dwarf hamster wear a thick glove with your sent. Do this everyday for 5 minutes and eventually he will get used to you.

How can you tell if your hamster is going to bite you cause sometimes my hamster nibbles on me but I'm not sure if it's going to bite should I pull out my hand I have a robo dwarf hamster?

You can tell if its slepping right well if its slepping itll bite you bother it in its sleep

How many different kinds of hamsters are there?

there is -Chinese dwarf -Russian dwarf -syrian hamsters - whinter dwarf - robo dwarf - golden hamster - Russian Campbell dwarf djungarin hamster, and many more!

What if you get bit by a Chinese dwarf hamster?

my Friend has one it doesn't bite her, she calms her down by giving her a treat and brushing her but that doesn't work with all of them

Everytime you try and pick up your hamster he tries to bite you?

Obviously, your hamster is still scared of you. Try petting it, fedding it, anything that will make a hamster get to know you better.

What kind of dwarf hamster is better for a first time hamster owner a Russian or a roborovski?

Russian. They are alot easier to care for and dont seem to bite much

What is hamster behavior?

Well it depends... i have noticed that regular sized hamsters are meaner then the dwarf hamsters.... but any hamster will bite if it has babies... but i have two Campbell Russian dwarf hamsters and they are very cute! mine has never bit me!

What information can you tell me about a Albino dwarf Russian Hamster PLEASE?

they like 2 bite♥♥♥

Are Russian dwarf hamsters meaner than others?

Russian Dwarf Hamster is not mean at all. It can bite though at first. When you first get it do not pick it up because it is not use to the environment yet wait til it gets to its cage then start patting it and holding it. After that, it will be really tame and hardly bite. The worst it does is nibble. The ones that are nice are the Fancy Dwarf Hamster and the Russian Dwarf Hamster.

Do Russian hamsters bite?

All the animals that I can think of bite--except for goldfish. Russian Dwarf hammies DO bite, but it's in their natural instinct. You can tame this out of them, though. It will take a lot of time and patience. I am saying this as an experienced dwarf owner. Play with the hammiw everyday, DO NOT wake it up while its sleeping, and feed it food and treats by hand.yes, Russian dwarf do bite, i had the same question and had my hamster answer it. Dwarf Hamsters are more 'Nippy' and more territorial of their cages than Syrian, if you scare you hamster or take it away from its food bowl it may bite if you want to try this it might help: put a towel on your hands then place the hamster on you hands with the towel on it, make it trust you again by , talking nicely to it and it should start to trust you after a while....... hope this works for everybody!!!! no fancy Russian dwarf hamsters do not bite but most other breeds of hamsters do