

How can I tell if a ghost is haunting my house?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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One can tell if their home is being invaded by ghost if one sees signs of spirits or objects moving by themselves, lights flickering without any human help or electical problems, strange noises happening without cause, sometimes even feeling very cold spots in the home when previously these spots were not cold. There are methods that can help a person rid their home of ghostly intruders.

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Q: How can I tell if a ghost is haunting my house?
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When you feel a present of a ghost

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You know when a ghost is haunting you its energy makes things move or turn things on an off an you can feel it.

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One humorous possibility is, "Whoooooo are yooooooooooou?" You can ask them what their name is and tell them you mean no harm. I once saw on the show A haunting on Discovery channel where the ghost said that he was never alive so he was a demon and was let into the house by some weird stuff.

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No, unless that ghost is haunting you, then it wants revenge.

Do ghost haunt people or houses?

Its starts out as ghost haunting houses, then when you move into them they begin to haunt you instead of the house, so if you move after the ghost has been attatched to you the ghost will follow you and whom ever you are with to your new house. So ghost haunt both the begin haunt houses then once someone moves into the house the ghost begins to haunt the people that live there and now the ghost will floow them everywhere they go.

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The Haunting of Hell House was created in 1999.

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The Haunting of Hill House was created in 1959.

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How do you tell there is a ghost in your house?

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