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Vampires have a pallor, that means they are slightly anemic and have pale skin. You can still be black and have a pallor, it doesn't show as much of course but its is still there.

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Q: How can Laurent be black in twilight they say vampires have pale icy white skin?
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If vampires are meant to be icy pale how is laurent black in the film?

Because he was obviously black when he was turned into a Vampire. Only the white Vampires are pale.

Is laurent from twilight a vampire?

Do you mean from the book 'My Secret Unicorn'?'Cause if you do, no. Twilight is not black, He is white as a Unicorn and grey as an ordinary pony. Hope I helped, bye!^FROM TWILIGHT not twilight the god damn unicorn, wow.. dumb people^No, it does not suggest anywhere that he is black, nor does it suggest that any of the white characters are really white. Its all up to how u interpret it

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Ike Barinholtz plays "Bobby White" in Vampires Suck. I hope you liked the movie, I did! :)

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Another Twilight fan! Yes, in the novel Edward has a leather black sofa. However, in the movie he has a white leather sofa.

Why are vampires pale?

Vampires pale because they are actually dead. When you die, your body feels freezing and, if you are white, you go pale. But if you are black you stay the color. Hope I helped :)

Why vampires always wear black?

They don't. All three of the brides of Dracula wore white wedding gowns.

Were Dracula and Nosferatu vampires?

both fantasy stories, Nosferatu and Count Dracula were vampires. Nosferatu was an earlier depiction of vampires (the movie was one silent and in sepia tone film) and Dracula was in black-and-white film, with sound and music.

Is Stephenie Meyer black?

lol.... every twilight fan knows STEPHENIE MEYER IS WHITE!!!!!