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Q: How can Tennessee's climate still be affected by volcanoes?
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What are the Causes of long term climate change that are due to natural forces?

In large part, our sun's emissions seem to have a large influence on Earth's climate. Scientists are still learning a lot about how climate is affected.

Do volcanoes stil exsit?

Yes, volcanoes still exist and many are still active.

Does Iceland have volcanoes?

Yes, it has a lot of still active volcanoes.

Are there still active volcanoes?

Yes. There are hundreds of active volcanoes in the world.

Do super volcanoes erupt when its cold?

Yes, super volcanoes can still erupt in cold conditions. The eruption of a super volcano is typically caused by the pressure built up within the magma chamber, rather than external temperature factors.

Do volcanoes still erupte?

yes they do

Active and live volcanoes?

I dont know if the ispell of the active volcanoe is still dormant but i do know that but excinct volcanoes can still erupt.

What state has five active volcanoes?

Hawaii still has five active volcanoes to this day!

What major climate change is believed to have affected the distribution of living things on earth the most?

The Ice Age because some animals that once lived there are still frozen.

Is there volcanoes in Rome that are still active?


Is there any volcanoes at the jungle?

There are volcanoes in the jungle. It just depends on what part of the jungle you are in. Many of those volcanoes are still erupting today. So, the answer is yes.

Where are some areas that still have volcanoes?

There Are multiple volcanoes along the ring of fire. (along the pacific coast)