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he could say i want to be more than friends or if really confident say i love you

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Q: How can a 11 year old boy tell a 11 year old girl he loves her?
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Do boys tell girls that they love them or do girls tell boys?

It can be either way, a girl can tell a boy that she loves him or a boy can tell a girl that he loves her.

Can a girl tell a boy that she loves him?

Sure, why not?

How can a girl can tell her family about a boy she loves?

Tell them like he is your bestfriend, they'll get the hit

How can you tell if a 12 year-old boy loves a 13 year-old girl?

You can tell if he loves you when he gives you gifts and always being around you. Also there are some boys that will like you but might pretend in front of their friends but you will know.

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change religion

How does girl understand a boy loves her or not?

You have to tell her! Even if it makes you feel stupid

What should a girl do if she loves a boy but he doesn't know about it?

The girl should tell the boy how she feels, to see if the boy feels the same way as well.

If a boy loves a girl but he is shy to tell her that he loves her and he want to be her boyfriend what should you do?

Become her best friend, then ask her out.

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Tell the girl how you feel about her so you can get it off your back.

Can a 25 year old women love a 13 year old boy and how does he tell her that he loves her?

yes she can he tell her that she loves her by giving her flower or chocolate or both

How do you tell if a girl and a boy hermit crabs loves each other?

They SHELL OUT for a wedding?

What does it mean when a boy rubs his leg on a girl's leg?

The boy likes or is trying to get your attention. Or he wants to kiss her or tell her he loves her,