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BMI=(703 X weight) divided by Height to the 2nd power or u can go to

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Q: How can a 13 year old boy calculate their body mass index?
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What should a 12 year old girl body mass index be?

To calculate BMI it needs the height and weight. Then we can measure the BMI.

Is a 23.4 body mass index healthy for a seventeen year old girl?

yes anyone under 25 body mass index is fine

Is BMI a 12 year old child?

BMI is your body mass index

What is the average weight for a 5' 7 17-year-old?

A healthy weight is between 118 pounds (Body Mass index of 18.5) and 159 (Body mass index of 24.9)

What is the average weight of a 5' 10 13-year-old girl?

You should calculate your Body Mass Index, or BMI, to find that out. "Average", or a healthy weight is somewhere around 18 to 24.

What should a 13 year old boys body mass index be?

Under 25 probably

What is the ideal weight for a 35 year old woman with a normal body mass index?


Is 155 overweight for a 5'4 23 year old girl?

Yes. Although I don't remember how to calculate BMI, or body mass index, a healthy index is about 18 to 20. The above specifications would put BMI somewhere around 23 or 22.

Is a size twelve okay for a fifteen year old girl?

The number on the tag does not matter if you are comfortable with yourself. If you are worried about health, than you should calculate your body mass index and find out if you are in the healthy range.

Is 113 unweight for a 16 year old?

Maybee for a male but not a female? But it depends on your body mass index.

What is the body mass index for a 20 year old female who is 5 foot 7inches?

we have o know the weight

What is the average weight for a 5' 3'' 12-year-old?

You should look up BMI or Body Mass Index on any health site, such as WebMd and calculate your BMI. This will tell you what your ideal weight should be for your age and height.