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An elopement of a 16 year old is not considered legal unless parental consent is granted. Even if one elopes and lies about their age it will not be considered a real marriage by the legal system.

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Q: How can a 16 year old elope?
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Is it ok for a 30-year-old and a 16-year-old to elope?

its ok so long as the luv is reel

How old do you have to be to elope?


What do you call a 16 year old girl?

you call a 16 year old girl a 16 year old girl

Is there anywhere in Texas where you can elope when you are 16-years-old?

The law in Texas is that, unless you have parental consent, you must be 18 to marry. It's the same in every town.

What are a 16 year olds thoughts?

it depends on if its a 16 year old boy or 16 year old girl

Can a 16 year old get married to a 20 year old?

Not without the permission of the parents of the 16 year old.

Can a 16 year old and a 24 year old get married in Illinois?

The 16 year old has to have parental consent.

Can a under 16 year old travel abroad with a 16 year old?


Is it illegal in England for a 16-year-old to be with a 20-year-old?

it is not illegal for a 16 year old and a twenty year old to be together in England

Who is smarter a 5 year old or a 16 year old?

Probably the 16 year old, depending on how much he/she has learned. The 5 year old may be more intelligent, or notices things the 16 year old doesn't though. Remember, the 16 year old has had 11 more years to learn.

Can a 28 year old man and a 16 year old lass have a relationship?

It is illegal for a 16 year old to date a 28 year old man!

Can a 15 or 16 year old marry a 18 year old in RI?

A 16 year old can with parental permission. A 15 year old cannot.