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A doctor can use a stethoscope for a number of functions. The primary function is to listen to the heartbeat of a client. The other is to listen to the patient's lungs.

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Q: How can a doctor use a stethoscope?
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How do you use stethoscope in a sentence?

The doctor used his stethoscope to listen to the sound of your heatbeat

What does a doctor use for hearing your heartbeats?

A stethoscope

What does the doctor use to listen to your heartbeat?


What does the doctor use when they listen to your heartbeat?


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What do that thing call when doctor check your heart with?

Depends : fingers, stethoscope, EKG.

What does a doctor use to listen to the sound your heart makes?

A stethoscope.

What is the instrument that a Doctor use to list no our heart beat?

It is a stethoscope.

What us doctor use to listen our heart?

The instrument is a stethoscope.

Where would you find a stethoscope?

Usually in a Doctors surgery, a Doctor would use a stethoscope to listen to your heart and lungs.

What do doctors use to listen to the lungs?

what does a doctor use to listen to your heart

What is a sentence with the word stethoscope?

"The doctor used the stethoscope on the patient to try and hear his heartbeat and breathing patterns."