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To be effective, all adult children of the elderly person should contribute their fair share to dementia care, whether that be in the form of financial assistance, quality time, or assistance with daily living activities. One person should be appointed as the main point of contact while other secondary duties could be delegated to other siblings. Oftentimes, families hire outside home care help to offset caregiver burden and strain.

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Q: How can a family contribute to the effective care of a person with dementia?
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A person with dementia should not be driving a car! They forget where they are, they forget what the rules of the road are, and they will get into an accident. The family should take away their car keys without even wondering if it's legal or not!

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I think person centered care is not something specific to dementia, it is the concept of putting the person being cared for at the heart of the care process.

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It woudl have to be proven in a court of law that the person actually WAS suffering from dementia. If possible, then the agreement MIGHT be challenged.

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In dementia the ability to have feelings is largely intact. In fact, it is often enhanced as evidenced by mood swings. How much dementia patients can formulate and express wishes depends on the stage of dementia.

What is aggressive dementia?

Dementia is a horrible disease that causes you to forget things. It occurs in the brain. Aggressive Dementia is when the disease fights hard and gets worse faster often times at the ending (death) the person with Aggressive Dementia has very severe memory loss, more than a person with regular demetia.

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What affects a person's experience of dementia?

Dementia only affects about 5% of people over the age of 65, and 20% of those over the age of 80.Another answer: Patients, their family, doctors, and society at large are affected by the effects of dementia. When a person experiences the development of dementia, they slowly lose their memory. First they begin to forget little things, and then it gradually builds up. One of the early signs of dementia is when a person forgets the names of those closest to them. As the dementia develops, a person may forget what has happened earlier in their day, or even what has happened just few hours ago. Eventually, they will not be able to remember their own name or what they are doing at the moment.Dementia occurs because brain cells deteriorate- sometimes very quickly.The related link listed below may be of some help:

Why is it important to include a variety of food and drink in the diet of a person with dementia?

Because it tastes good and people with dementia are not dogs....