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Q: How can a mission trade work ships from Boston?
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How did the British interfere with U.S trade?

Britain interfered with U.S. shipping by impressment .

How did british interfere with U.S. Trade?

.The British interfered with shipping by Impressment - the kidnapping of American sailors to work on British ships.

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vessels, boats, ships, planes, aircrafts occuption, work, business, trade, employment, pursuit, vocation

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The French the dutch went for fur trading primarily

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I honestly don't have any idea what the answer to that is. Sorry, I'm wondering the same thing.

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Impressment is the act of seizing by force. Example:(used in a sentence) Britain also interfered with U.S. trade by the impressment, or kidnapping, of American sailors to work on British ships.

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Model ships are made to test buoyancy and to scale out the ship. If the model doesn't work, the ship might not work.

When was Boston University School of Social Work created?

Boston University School of Social Work was created in 1937.