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um, just leave? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) doesn't trap anyone or hold anyone prisoner. If someone doesn't want to participate in worship services they can stop going to them. If they want their baptism annulled and their name taken off the church records than they can ask their bishop to do that. They aren't locked away anywhere, they live in their own homes in regular neighborhoods among people who are not Mormon. Nobody forces them to go to church.

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Q: How can a person escape from the Mormons?
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Utah has a remarkable history. Probably the most important event in the history of Utah is the settling of the area by Mormons who moved to escape religious persecution.

What was the basic purpose of the Mormon migration westward?

The Mormons travelled west to escape religious persecution. They were looking for a place where they could practice their religion in peace.

What was the Mormons main reason to move west?

After the Book of Mormon was found, people became angry. They martyred the Prophet Joseph Smith. Afterwards, persecution for the Mormons became worse, and they decided to move to Utah for a place to live without persecution.

Which religious group traveled west to escape religious persecution?

The Mormons, followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, traveled west to Utah in the mid-19th century to escape religious persecution and establish a new homeland. Led by Brigham Young, they sought a place where they could freely practice their beliefs and build a close-knit community.

Where do most Mormons live outside the US?

Of the 13,824,854 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) worldwide, 7,785,947 live outside the United States. That is, 56% of all baptised Mormons live outside the U.S. Nations with quite a few Mormons are: Canada 179,801 Mormons (1% of Mormons are Canadian, 0.5% of Canadians are Mormon) Samoa 69,224 Mormons (0.5% of Mormons, 39% of Samoans) Tonga 55,173 Mormons (0.5% of Mormons, 53% of Tongans) Mexico 1,197,573 Mormons (8.7% of Mormons, 1% of Mexicans) Guatemala 220,296 Mormons (1.6% of Mormons, 1.6% of Guatemalans) El Salvador 105,501 Mormons (0.8% of Mormons, 2% of El Salvadorians) Hondouras 136,408 Mormons (1% of Mormons, 2% of Hondourans) Brazil 1,102,674 Mormons (8% of Mormons, 0.6% of Brazilians) Chile 561,920 Mormons (4% of Mormons, 3.3% of Chileans) Peru 480,816 Mormons (3.5% of Mormons, 1.7% of Peruvians) Philippines 631,885 Mormons (4.6% of Mormons, 0.7% of all Philippinos) UK 186,082 Mormons (1.3% of Mormons, 0.3% of all UK) Australia 126,767 Mormons (0.9% of Mormons, 0.6% of Australians) New Zealand 100,962 Mormons (0.7% of Mormons, 2.4% of all New Zealanders) To compare, the United States has 6,038,907 Mormons. That's 44% of Mormons and 2% of all Americans. But you can find Mormons in nearly every nation of the World! The "Related Link" below has a great population statistics map related to Mormon Church membership.