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The library and bookstores such as Barnes and Noble are great places to learn about anti-semitism. I would go for the library though because you don't have to pay for them.

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Q: How can a person learn more about anti semitism?
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Anti-Semitism is discrimination against?

Technically, the official term is Anti-Semitism. However, as the Jews are not the only "Semites," something like judeophobia might be a more accurate term.

What is another word for Anti-Semitism?

The word I usually use in place of Anti-Semitism when I can is Judenhass, which was how the word was referred to prior to the coining of the more popular term "Anti-Semitism". Judenhass is the literal German word for "Jew-hatred".

Did World War 1 contribute to anti-semitism?

Not directly. Anti-Semitism became more potent only after the economic conditions of the Great Depression, not during or immediately after World War I.

Is anti semitism becoming more prevalent in society?

It depends whether your are a Jew or not.

Who was the mastermind of Anti-Semitism?

Religious AnswerSatanHistorical AnswerNo single person or nation invented Anti-Semitism. It is a growing, changing, and evolving historical idea that reflects the people who articulate it more than it does a coherent internal ideology. As a result, there is no mastermind. Many of Anti-Semitism's arguments counter each other as a result of this incoherence. (For example, pseudo-scientific Anti-Semitism believes that Jews are both inadequate mentally for Western Society and that they have legitimate companies with vast material wealth and are using them to affect world affairs. If they could not function mentally, how is it that they could control such a large organizational structure.)

What happened to Jews in the Anti-Semitism?

Anti-Semitism is an ideology, not a time period, so things did not happen "during it". Anti-Semitism has existed for over 2000 years and continues to exist to this day. Of course, the arguments justifying Judenhass (Jew-hatred) have changed over the numerous centuries and have also mutated in different places where different people have brought their unique prejudices to Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism has motivated numerous forms of segregation, violence, expulsions, torturous activities, pogroms, genocides, and wars.

Why have the Jews migrated?

Generally speaking, the major Jewish migrations in history were either to escape some form of Anti-Semitism (such as direct religious persecution or segregation laws) and go to a place where Jews had more freedoms.In the modern world, where Anti-Semitism is less common than it was historically, Jews migrate across the world for business quite often as well. However, we should note that Anti-Semitism is still a strong motivator for Jewish migration, as can be seen by the rising numbers of Jews fleeing Europe because of increased Anti-Semitism there.

What is anti-anti-semitism?

It's exactly what it sounds like: Opposition to those who harbor anti-Jewish views and opposition the anti-Jewish views themselves. The difference between anti-anti-Semitism and Philo-Semitism (lover of Jews) is slight. A Philo-Semite usually makes proactively positive arguments (i.e. Jews are good because they win more Nobel Prizes per capita) whereas an anti-anti-Semite refutes anti-Jewish arguments (i.e. the racial theory of Judaism makes little sense when there are White Jews, Arab Jews, Black Jews, and East-Asian Jews). However, many anti-anti-Semites are also Philo-Semites because they will mix the positive arguments with the critiques of negative ones.

Does Hugo Chavez hate Jews?

Yes, he used Jews as scapegoats in his presidential campaign through anti-Semitism. Although Hugo Chavez comes from a Jewish family, he claims that he no longer is, and is now a "Venezolano" aka, someone from Venezuela. He's trying to be like hitler by using anti-semitism tactics to win support. Read the article below named "Hugo Chavez Anti-Semitism campaign".

Is anti-semitism still in use today?

YES. The Anti-Defamation League estimates that roughly 1 billion people, primarily in the Islamic World, but also in other regions, harbor Anti-Semitic attitudes. The European Union has noted that in since 2008, Anti-Semitism is rising in Europe, both from Muslim immigrants and from the European general population (although much more from the former). In the US, the trend was towards a decrease in the number of Anti-Semitic events until there was a spike in 2014. Additionally, Jews have consistently been over 55% of people targeted for hate crimes according to the FBI database where the victim was attacked on account of religion. When the overall numbers of the Jewish population in the US are taken into account, this means that a Jew in the US is nearly twice as likely to be the victim of a hate crime in the US than a Muslim and over 10x more likely to be a victim of a hate crime than an African-American. (African-Americans are more often victims of other crimes that are not race motivated.)Links:ADL 100 Country SurveyActs of Anti-Semitism in the European Union AND Perceptions of Anti-Semitism in the European UnionAnti-Semitism Infographics for the United StatesFBI Hate Crime Statistics

Where online can a person learn more about the role and duties of a MSDTC?

A person can learn more about the role and duties of a MSDTC on Wikipedia or on a blog about the subject. There are many sources to learn more about this topic.

Can you show me some examples of the word Screed used in a sentence?

"Dershowitz's screed against Carter more clearly exemplifies Alan's ego than it does Jimmy's descent into anti-Semitism. "