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I have to say if you have not m/c it is likely that the 8 week u/s just did not detect a hb. Plainly said, growth happens at an alarming rate during the first trimester and its possible that you just didn't see that heart rate at your 8wk because it wasn't ready yet. You also need to take in account the possibility of error in fetal age if you didn't know your exact ovulation or LMP.

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At 8 weeks, the embryos are nowhere near large enough to register a heartbeat.

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Q: How can a scan at 7 weeks showed no heart beat and 8 weeks 4 days still none yet in the scan there are 2 fetus?
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8 weeks sono showed no fetus?

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If a fetus at 8 weeks has a heart rate at 300 what does this mean?

Usually this is not possible condition for a fetus

Does the heart rate of a fetus change?

The baby's heart begins to beat at about five weeks after your last menstrual period, or three weeks after conception. It can be visualized with an ultrasound, but not heard with a Doppler until later in the pregnancy.

What is heart rate of foetus 7 weeks and 3 days?

A normal heartbeat of a fetus at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute.

Is a fetus still a fetus after 16 weeks?

A fetus is a fetus until it is born at which time the umbilical is cut and it becomes a child. An other argument is that the foetus ceases to be a fetus at the time it is a viable human being and can live without the mothers support.

When does a baby have a heart?

A fetus's heart develops early (3-5 weeks after conception). It starts out as a tube and then grows into 4 chambers around 5 weeks. It starts beating around 5 weeks but usually can't be heard until 7-9 weeks. During weeks 20-24 a fetus's heart heart develops more fully. An ultrasound of the heart during this time can rule out some congenital heart defects (CHDs) just by looking at the shapes of the four chambers of the heart. (Some CHDs are not detectable by ultrasound.) Before birth, the fetus's heart pumps blood oxygenated in Mom's lungs received via the placenta. During this time, an extra pathway (PDA) exiting the baby's heart is left open. After birth, this extra pathway closes and the heart pumps blood to the baby's lungs to get oxygen in the bloodstream.

What is the embryo called after 8 weeks?

For the first 8 weeks the developing human is called an embryo after that it is called a fetus.

Can a baby form after 5 weeks of pregnancy?

At 5 weeks of pregnancy , the fetus is still in the process of organeosis. It will take 3 months for to complete this.

At your 6 week scan only sac present no yolk sac and no bleeding does this mean that pregency has stopped?

My first pregnancy was like this all I had was the sac.. no yolk sac or fetus and I miscarried at 7 weeks. The only way to be sure is if there is a heart beat. I am 9 weeks now and have fetus yolk sac and a heart beat. Ask to hear for a heart beat to be sure.

What changes happen to a fetus in the 1st trimester?

The fetus began as just two cells that joined and started dividing rapidly, by two weeks the cells became an embryo, placenta and umbilical cord - by the end of the first trimester (11 to 12 weeks) the fetus has all the organs in place that he or she will be born with, the genitalia are still to immature to visually detect the baby's sex but will be fully developed in just a few weeks. The baby to be has a beating heart, functioning bladder and practices breathing by inhaling the amniotic water.

How soon can an ultrasound hear a baby heart beat?

About 3 months, usually respiratory system of the baby develops at 12 weeks of age. ** The fetus's heart starts beating at five weeks gestation. Through an ultrasound you can see the ultrasound at about 6-7 weeks. With a fetal Doppler you can hear the heart beat at about 9 weeks.

What if a fetus does not have a heartbeat at 11 weeks?

At 11 weeks unless you are probably unable to hear the heart beat of a fetus with a standard stethoscope. You should be able to pick it up on the Ultra Sound Equipment in your Doctor's Office. Your doctor should also have other equipment that can also pick it up. Most people do not have that equipment in their homes. Your fetus should have had a beating heart for nearly six weeks now. When it started beating, only super sensitive amplifiers could pick it up. Not even ultrasound could get it. Now it is coming into the range where ultrasound can find it. You will need to see your doctor to check the ultrasound or if your doctor told you the fetus does not have a heart beat ask what to do. At about 21 weeks you should be able to hear the heart beat with a regular stethoscope.