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Example sentence - Her voice sounded like a songbird when she sang the song.

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Q: How can a songbird be used in a sentence in reference to a musician?
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A point of reference is used in a sentence to provide context or comparison for understanding something. For example, "Using the North Star as a point of reference, the explorers were able to navigate through the wilderness." In this sentence, the North Star is used as a guide or marker for the explorers to help them find their way.

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i would have to say a songbird or something like chirping or tweeting

What does the song songbird mean?

I have never heard of this phrase used just in that matter. The songstress Kate Smith was widely touted as the (Songbird of the South) but that is exceptional. Offhand I am not aware of any songs called songbird. Snowbird, yes, but not songbird.

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To explain how the verb "mitigate" is used in a sentence during a spelling bee practice, you can refer to a dictionary or a thesaurus for a concise definition and synonyms. For example, you could say: "Mitigate means to make less severe, serious, or painful."

What was the name of the song and the artist that was used to put Mack the truck from Cars asleep?

"Songbird" by Kenny G

Is a period used after the reference when a in text citation ends with a question mark?

No, a period is not used after the reference when an in-text citation ends with a question mark. The question mark serves as the punctuation at the end of the sentence, and adding a period would be redundant.

What is the definition of klezmer?

Answerkley - vessel and zemer - song; etymologically from Hebrew "musical instrument")This word has been used in varying contexts through the ages. Initially it referred to either the musician or his instrument and overtime through the Klezmer revival movements it has come to be used in reference to the music itself, but this is a rather recent change.