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It is true that a white dwarf above about 1.4 solar masses cannot exist. When a star dies, most of the mass does not become part of the remnant. A star 5 times the mass of the sun will shed most of its mass during the red giant phase. Only the innermost portion will collapse to form a white dwarf.

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Q: How can a star having 5 times the suns mass end as a white dwarf?
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What does a star with eight times the mass of your sun become?

a white dwarf

Are white dwarf stars a low mass star?

A white dwarf is the remnant of a low to medium mass star.

If star having the same mass of Earth's Sun is likely to become a?

Red giant - then a white dwarf.

What is the size of a dwarf star?

Several times smaller than our Sun. Details vary, depending on the type of dwarf star (a red dwarf and a white dwarf are quite different things), and the exact mass.

Is white dwarf a massive star?

No. A white dwarf is the remnant of a low to medium mass star.

Why would a white dwarf become a red dwarf?

A white dwarf could not become a red dwarf. A white dwarf is a remnant of a dead star. A red dwarf is a star with a very low mass.

How does the the mass and size of a white dwarf compare with the mass and size of the sun?

A white dwarf, also called a degenerate dwarf, is a small star composed mostly of electron-degenerate matter. They are very dense; a white dwarf's mass is comparable to that of the Sun and its volume is comparable to that of the Earth.

Is a white dwarf older the a red dwarf?

Not necessarily. A white dwarf is simply the remains of a low to medium mass star that has died. A red dwarf is a low mass star. Since red dwarfs last longer than medium mass stars, one could easily be older than a white dwarf.

Earth's mass times a white dwarf?

A white dwarf's mass is comparable to that of the Sun while its volume is comparable to that of the Earth. The Sun is 100 times larger than the Earth, so a white dwarf has a mass 100 times greater than the Earth.

What does a high mass and low mass star end as?

white dwarf

Is a white dwarf smaller than Pluto?

A white dwarf could be smaller or bigger than the moon since it's size varies depending on the mass of the white dwarf. Since the mass of the moon is 7.347 x 1022 kg and the mass of Pluto is 1.31×1022 kg the size of a white dwarf is also smaller or bigger than Pluto depending on it's mass.

Which of these has the smallest radius a 1.2 solar mass white dwarf a 0.6 solar mass white dwarf or Jupiter?

Jupiter is far larger than the other two. White dwarfs can be treated as Fermi gasses, and have the interesting property that as their mass increases their radius decreases. So the smallest is actually the 1.2 solar mass white dwarf.