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A Vice-President can be replaced only upon resignation or impeachment.

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If it resighns or dies.

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Q: How can a vice president be replaced?
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If the president resigns he is replaced by who?

The Vice President.

If the president resigns he is replaced by the?

The vice president

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Who served as vice-president and president but was not elected to either office?

Gerald Ford replaced Spiro Agnew as Vice president and later replaced Richard Nixon as president.

Who replaced Spiro T. Agnew?

After Vice President Agnew resigned, he was replaced by Vice President (former Speaker of the House) Gerald Ford, who then became president after Richard Nixon resigned.

Who replaced Spiro Agnew as vice president of the US in 1973?

The person to replace Spiro Agnew in 1973 was Gerald Ford. President Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to be Vice President.

What vice president replaced president Taylor when he died in 1850?

Millard Fillmore

Who was elected president and vice president after George Washington retired?

John Adams replaced Washington as president and Thomas Jefferson became vice president in 1797.

Who did Gerald Ford replace?

Gerald Ford replaced Spiro Agnew as Vice President, and Richard Nixon as President.

Was Nixon vice president in 1968?

Former Maryland Governor Spiro T. Agnew. He resigned from a scandal in 1974 and was replaced by Congressman Gerald R. Ford. Vice President Appointee Gerald Ford replaced President Nixon, when he had to resign in 1974. President Gerald Ford then picked Governor Nelson Rockefeller to be his Vice President.

How is a president replaced without his consent?

vice pres takes over

Who went into office after the assassination?

hmmm well you didn't finish your question so I will list all presidents that were assassinated and who took over their position. After President Lincoln was assassinated Vice President Andrew Johnson took over. After President Garfield was assassinated Vice President Chester A Arther took over. After President William McKinley was assassinated Vice President Theodore Roosevelt took over. And Finally, after President John F Kennedy was assassinated Vice President Lyndon B Johnson took over. These are presidents who just died during office, they weren't assassinated. President William Henry Harrison was replaced by Vice President John Tyler. (died of pneumonia) President Zachery Taylor was replaced by Vice President Millard Fillmore. (died of food poisoning at picnic.) President Harding was replaced by Vice President Calvin Coolidge. (heart attack) President Franklin D Roosevelt was replaced by Vice President Truman. (died of cerebral hemmorage)