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Volcanoes affect the weather because when it erupts the debris blocks the sunlight from the Earth and makes it get way cold.

Debris- Pieces of ash there isn't any wood, plastic in molten rock

Like debris as in the leftovers of a destroyed house



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13y ago

Volcanoes can effect the weather in many ways. Mostly, the ash will affect the elements and chemicals in the air, and cause it to rain, or become cloudy.

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Since a volcanic eruption is a geologic event rather than a weather event, there will be no indication from the weather prior to an eruption. There are, however, geologic indicators that can point to a future eruption. Indicators include earthquakes near the volcano, venting of hot gas, and deformation of the ground.

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No. While volcanic eruptions can affect weather, they are considered geologic events.

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It does not affect a volcano's ability to erupt. However, if a volcano is in a cold climate or tall enough that there is snow and ice at its summit, an eruption could cause this to melt. The water mixed with ash can form deadly mudflows called lahars.

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