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A woman has a natural instinct for those kinds of things.

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Q: How can a woman sense if a person has a good heart?
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Is there a woman with a heart of gold?

Yes - everyone's Mother!! There are alot of woman with a good heart, you just stop looking from the outside and start noticing from the inside a person. Just by talking to a good person you can tell. Usually there eyes tell you also.

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If you are a good person and you believe in Jesus, he dwells in your heart. He may even if you don't believe in him, but you may not sense it. For some, this is hard to sense, but if you try hard (Aka, be a good person, pray alot, etc.), you'll sense him.

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It means that the person knows A LOT about horses. For example, if you can name all the parts of a horse, then you have horse sense. Generally, it means that the person has good common sense.

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A responsible person, in the legal sense, is one that would use good judgment, be prudent in his decision making processes, and have a track record of responsible living.

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A keen person is a person with sharp senses; quick to understand.

How do you know if your boyfriend loves but he just get married?

He doesn't, or at least, "love" doesn't mean much to him. Unless you're the person he "just get married" to, in which case Good Grief, woman, what's it gonna take? You want him to rip his heart out and have it gilded for you or something?

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All dogs can sense unbalanced people.

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Being able to sense good from evil is called spiritual discernment.

Weight of a woman's heart?

27 pounds on a good day

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A person who doesn't use good sense is often referred to as reckless or foolish. They may make poor decisions without thinking about the consequences.

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