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Q: How can adaptians help memebe rs of a species survive?
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Reproduction does not help a species to survive, it allows for a species to survive by replacing the ageing population. Without reproduction a species would cease to exist within 1 generation. By reproducing, the species adds to it's population, which helps the species to survive for a longer period of time, because they will not be killed off as easy and will not go extinct:)

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Both of these types of actions protect species from preditors.

How does variation ensure that a species to survive?

Creation of variation occurs in a species and help in the survival to species as the most suitable or favorable character pass next generation and under unfavorable condition only the most fit organism survive and help in continuation of the species.

How adaptation help species survive?

Adaptation is how creatures respond to environmental changes, whether that be in their habitat, or in their predators or prey. Adapting will help them survive better.

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yes it does help some fish survive but mainly no because the blue shark its mainly everything it see's

How might adaptations help species survive?

Adaptation is how creatures respond to environmental changes, whether that be in their habitat, or in their predators or prey. Adapting will help them survive better.

Will behavior not help a species survive yes or no?

It absolutely helps them survive and it's seen in many circles of the animal kingdom

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How might producing offsprings with a wide variety of variations help a species to survive?

The animals with the abilities that will help them to survive better than those without the same abilities will likely survive longer and will not be killed by predators. Those animals will live on and give their children the same abilities to survive, helping the species to adapt to a hostile environment.