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Without giving the obvious answer ("get a job") because I know how hard it is to try and balance working and raising kids and how difficult or untimely working outside the home can be, especially when certain circumstances prevent it, my best suggestion would be to get on the Section 8 waiting list in your area. But even Section 8 requires the household to have some income, whether that be child support, SSI, TANF, or other proof of some kind of income. But the waiting lists can be very long (some wait 3 years), though they will bump you up on the waiting list if you are staying in a shelter. Good luck to you. I've been there and I know it's difficult!

I also wanted to add that you might look for a live-in housekeeper position or something that allows you and your children to live in while you work for the family. They're rare, but they're out there.

I want to add to the answer above. I am not the same person, however. Apply for everything that you can apply for. When you are in offices, turning in paperwork, ask their opinion of what else you can apply for. The worst they can do is turn you down.

Find out if your local TANF office, or another service will supply child care for a time. If they will, apply for every job you see. Register with the Temp agency's (ie. Manpower) and contact them regularly to see if they have a job for you. If you have to, call them every single day. I grew up in the business and if you keep your name in front of us, you are more likely to be thought of when a job comes in.

Check with your local Senior Services (even if you are not a senior). Often they will have a directory that you can have that lists a number of places that you can appeal to for help. Look up your local food banks, look up for local supper tables. Use them. That's what they are their for. Get familiar with the personnel. This is called networking. If they know who you are, and what you need, you are more likely to get it because they know you.

Good luck to you. I've been there, too.

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Q: How can afford an apartment with no income I have 2 kids and only get food stamps and medicaid?
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Do food stamps and medicaid effect child support?

... affect ... Child support is considered income for purposes of determining eligibility for food stamps [SNAP] and Medicaid. However, receipt of either should have no effect on the amount of one's child support, whether one is the obligor or obligee.

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You don't necessarily qualify for low income apartments if you are on food stamps. They are different programs, though they are intended to help the same groups of people, and the requirements for them are slightly different.

Can you get medicaid thorough food stamps?

No. These two programs have different eligibility rules and income/asset standards.

Is Medicare a contributory or noncontributory program?

Medicaid, would be a non-contributory program. That is because people can't afford it, just like food stamps. Medicare is a contributory program.

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In some states, if you have a Medicaid card, it also serves as your EBT card for food stamps, which you swipe like an ATM card at the grocery store. If you are eligible for food stamps but not Medicaid (which is possible, as the eligibility requirements are different), you will be given a separate food stamps EBT card that is not a Medicaid card.

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Can a parole get medicaid food stamps and SSI?

Yes, if s/he meets the eligibility requirements.

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Food stamps, no. Medicaid - the State will pursue the other parent for insurance coverage.

Will your food stamps be affected with section 8 housing?

Usually not: your food stamps is a Government benefit, not an income

If you apply for food stamps is federal income tax refund considered unearned income?

No, it is considered a return of your money over-withheld. So, income tax refunds don't affect your elegibility for food stamps.

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Food stamps - Apex I hope this helps