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because euglenophytes absorb waste and such... they recycle it and so!.. when theres to much waste the euglenophytes make things called "algal blooms" the algal blooms deplete the waters nutruents and oxygen killing algae and other organisms

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11y ago

if lake is nutrient rich then algae uses whole oxygen of lake and form algal blooms which also uses sunlight for photosynthesis & as a result due to absence of oxygen & light, aquatic animals die

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8y ago

Algal blooms kill organisms in bodies of water.

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Q: How can algal blooms be harmful to aquatic life?
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What is the main ingredient in fertilizers that can cause algae bloom?

The main ingredient in fertilizers that can cause algae blooms is phosphorus. When excess phosphorus enters bodies of water, it can promote the growth of algae, leading to harmful algal blooms. These blooms can disrupt aquatic ecosystems and deplete oxygen levels in the water, negatively impacting fish and other marine life.

How fast do harmful algae blooms kill fish?

Algal blooms, depending on the severity, can kill fish very quickly. Minor blooms may kill fish that are sensitive to drops in the oxygen levels. Severe algal blooms are capable of killing all fish life in an area. The end results usually take a couple of days at the most.

How does algal bloom leave to eutropication?

Eutrophication depletes the waters supply of oxygen which causes Algal blooms and the suffocation of marine life.>.

What is a area in which addition of an abundance of limiting nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus causes an algal bloom blocking sunlight and causing the death of organisms below?

Red tide is an example. When severe enough they become harmful algal blooms which do damage to life beneath them in the water column.

What is Gonyaulax?

Gonyaulax is a genus of dinoflagellates, which are single-celled algae found in marine and freshwater environments. Some species of Gonyaulax can produce toxins that can cause harmful algal blooms, known as red tides, which can be harmful to marine life and humans if consumed.

How are phosphastes harmful?

Even though phosphates are naturally occurring minerals, they are harmful when released back into the environment from dishwasher detergents/water softeners because they cause algae blooms in lakes, streams, rivers that kill existing aquatic life.

Excess heat in rivers is caused by what pollution?

Thermal pollution causes a rise in the ambient water temperature in rivers. Excess heat often causes algal blooms and increased metabolism in aquatic animals. This results in a shorter life span for both the plants and animals.

How can algal blooms be bad?

Algae blooms are a form of bacteria and can cause skin irritation or respiratory irritation in people who get in the water or handle the algae. Some blooms of blue-green algae can produce chemicals that are toxic to animals and people who drink the untreated water.

What is another nutrient and element besides phosphorus that contributes to dead zones?

Nitrogen. Nitrogen from agricultural runoff will accumulate on the surface of large bodies of water. This nitrogen and other minerals provide nutrition for algae, creating algal blooms. The algal blooms inhibit sunlight from reaching farther depths of the water, hindering photosynthesis and thus, oxygen production. Once the alga die, they sink to the bottom and consume vast amount of oxygen in the process. The now oxygen-depleted aquatic environment cannot sustain marine life, creating a dead zone.

What are harmful effects on algae to aquatic ecosystem?

The detrimental qualities of algae to the environment is that it produces toxic substances which are released to the ecosystem. However, algae is also beneficial in various ways in the environment.

What consequences can result from algae and bacteria growing too quickly?

When algae and bacteria grow too quickly, they can cause harmful algal blooms (HABs) or bacterial blooms. These blooms can deplete oxygen levels in water bodies, leading to fish kills and other marine life die-offs. Additionally, some types of algae and bacteria produce toxins that are harmful to human and animal health when ingested or during contact.

What might an unhealthy aquatic ecosystem look like?

An unhealthy aquatic system would contain little to no life. This could be due to algae blooms, which deplete a system of dissolved oxygen very rapidly. This causes many organisms to perish.