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He is an adult and the court can find you financially responsible if he is in college, not otherwise. In that case you still pay child support and can choose to pay directly to him or his bills. Just go to court and have it modified.

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Q: How can an 18-year-old leave home without parental permission in NY state when you are now financially responsible for them until they are 21?
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Can a person move out at 16 in Arizona if they have parental permission?

No, in Arizona a person must be 18 years old to move out without parental permission. Even with parental permission, a person under 18 is still considered a minor and may not legally live independently.

Is it legal in Pennsylvania to move out at the age of 16 with parental permission?

In Pennsylvania, a minor can move out with parental permission, which would need to be in writing and notarized. It's important to also consider other factors such as where the minor will live and how they will be supported financially.

Have parents no rights in a 16 years old's life if she moves out of home?

First of all, she isn't legally allowed to leave without parental permission. She can be classified as a runaway. And parents are financially responsible for them until they reach the age of majority or are emancipated.

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Only if you have parental permission. As a minor your parents are still responsible for you.

Can you move out as a minor in Georgia?

Only if you have parental permission (even then your parents are still responsible) or you've been emancipated.

How can a minor move in with there friend without emancipation?

If they have parental permission. The parents are responsible for the child. They can decide where the child lives.

Will my mother be held accountable if she gives me parental permission to leave my house at the age of 17 and somthing were 2 happen before my 18th birthday?

Yes, parental permission to move out before you are 18 does not mean you are emancipated. She is still responsible for you.

Can a 16 year old move out without parental consent in North Carolina?

Not without parental permission in North Carolina. Until they reach 18 the parents are responsible for him.

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How can a 17 year old legally move out of their parents home in ny?

They will have to have parental permission. Until they are 18, the parents are responsible for them.

Can a 16 year old move out in gerogia?

Not without parental permission in Georgia. Until they reach 18 the parents are responsible for him.

If a 17 year old gets married in ms to another 17 year old are you as a parent still legally and financially responsible for her?

Yes, in Mississippi parents are still legally and financially responsible for their minor children even if they get married. Marriage does not emancipate a minor from their parents' responsibility until they reach the age of majority.