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Character. Make the character more sympathetic. An orphaned child, preferably female, crippled, with a suffering pet. A hard working nurse trying to hold something valuable together. Little orphan Annie is considered sympathetic.

Situation. Place the character in a situation that what he does is noble and good. The notorious criminal Jean Val Jean (Les Miserables) became noble when he befriended an little orphaned girl.

Noble Goal. "Noisy" Rhysling sacrifices himself to fatal radiation poisoning to save the other passengers of the ship. Although a deplorable miscreant he is made sympathetic by his actions.

Suffering. Dr. Frankenstein's monster returned a lost little girl to her parent and got shot for his trouble. We sympathize with him.

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create a sympathetic character.

It's all well and good to say "create a sympathetic character" but how?

  • create a character the reader can identify with, with a realistic personality (flaws and all)
  • create a character the reader will care about, with realistic problems and worries
  • create a character the reader will want to know more about, with logical difficulties and interesting dilemmas to solve
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Q: How can an author make a character more sympathetic for the reader?
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