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because of its external environment

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Q: How can an ectotherm warm up in the cold?
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Is an alligator an ectotherm or endotherm?

Alligators are ectothermic, or cold blooded. This means that they get all of their heat from the ambient temperature. To warm up, they must bask in the sun.

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Are starfish ectotherms or endotherms?

A starfish is a ectotherm. (ectotherm means cold blooded)

Is leopard an ectotherm?

no its not, ectotherms are cold-blooded

Is a snake vertebrate an endotherm or an ectotherm?

A snake is a vertebrate and is an ectotherm (cold-blooded) like most reptiles.

What mammals are warm or cold blooded?

All mammals are warm blooded (endothermic)

Why is it misleading to say an ectotherm is cold-blooded?

Because it is

Is a sloth a endotherm or ectotherm?

Sloths are endotherms because they're warm-blooded.

How could you warm up a cold pool?

You can warm up a cold pool buy buying a pool heater

Is cold or warm air better for your body?

warm. because cold air causes ur muscles to contrast and it also doesnt take as long to warm up in warm as it would in cold

Why is an ectotherm not a coldblooded animal?

Ectotherms are cold blooded animals. Ectotherms are animals whose outside temperature conducts its inside temperature. That's why a pet lizard has a heat lamp. It has to stay warm by its outside temperature.

What is the difference between ectothermic and ectothermic animals?

Ectothermic refers to "cold blooded" animals: that is, they have little or no regulation of their internal temperature. If it's cold out, they're cold, if it's warm, they're warm. Endothermic refers to "warm blooded" animals (like us). They keep their internal temperature the same no matter what the outside temperature is.