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Cold air has little moisture, warm air has lots. When cold air runs into warm air then the warm air is pushed up until the moisture in the air gets cold enough to form rain

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Q: Why would you expect thunderstorms when cold air mass runs into warm air mass?
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Do hot air and cold air make a tornado?

Not directly. When a cold air mass plows into a warm air mass it produces a cold front. Thunderstorms can form along cold fronts. Given a few other conditions these thunderstorms can produce tornadoes.

What happens when a cold air mass meets and replaces a warm air mass?

A cold front develops, often resulting in precipitation, and sometimes thunderstorms.

How do cold fronts form thunderstorms?

When a cold front moves through, the cold air mass acts like a wedge, lifting warmer air off the ground. If there is enough moisture and instability in the warm air mass, some of it may become freely buoyant and rise to form thunderstorms.

What happens to the warm air mass at a cold front?

At a cold front, warm air is forced up and over the cold air mass. This usually results in rain and possibly thunderstorms, which may be severe.

Winds associated with a cold front are strongest when?

Winds associated with a cold front are strongest when the front is accompanied by thunderstorms. A cold front is a leading mass of air that replaces a warm mass of air at ground level.

What happens when it's a hot day and a cool air mass comes in?

If a cool air mass comes in on a hot day, and if there is enough moisture, you can generally expect showers and thunderstorms.

Why can cold fonts cause thunderstorms?

Thunderstorms start when warm, moist air is lifted and continues to rise on its own. In a cold front, a cooler air mass pushes into a warmer one. Since cool air is denser than warm air, the cooler air mass acts as a wedge, pushing the warmer air up. This can initiate the upward movement needed for thunderstorms.

What two air masses would most likely form a tornado when they meet?

A cold air mas moving into a warm air mass will create a cold front. It is along a cold front that the severe thunderstorms that can produce tornadoes most often form.

Is a cold front part of a thunderstorm?

No. A cold front is weather feature that develops when a large cool air mass pushes into a warmer one. Many thunderstorms in the temperate latitudes develop along or just ahead of cold fronts, but not all. Conversely, many cold fronts, especially in the winter, do not cause thunderstorms.

Is a cold front a tornado?

No. A cold front is a boundary between two large-scale air masses where a cold air mass pushes into and displaces a warmer air mass. Thunderstorms often form along cold fronts, and these storms occasionally produce tornadoes.

What is a cold air mass combined with to make a tornado?

The typical, oversimplified scenario is often described as a cold air mass colliding with a warm air mass. However, this is not the direct cause of tornadoes. Such a collision often produces thunderstorms. Under the right circumstances these storms can produce tornadoes. Additionally, the warm-cold air collision isn't entirely necessary for tornadoes. Tornadic thunderstorms can form in a variety of circumstances.

What do air masses have to do with tornadoes?

When a relatively cool, dry air mass plows into a warm, moist one it forces the warm air mass upwards along a cold front, often creating thunderstorms. Under the right conditions these thunderstorms can produce tornadoes.