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In atelectasis the area available for gas exchange is reduced. As the alveoli decrease in number. The risk of developing pneumonia increases as fluids tend to increase and waste accumulates in the lungs leading to potential infection Any time respiratory effort decreases one runs the risk of increasing complications of the respiratory system

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Q: How can atelectasis lead to pneumonia?
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Can you have atelectasis and pneumonia?

If you like to live dangerously!

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What is the difference between atelectasis and pneumonia?

Atelectasis is the collapsing of a lungwhen there is an interference with the natural forces that promote lung expansion. Pneumonia is an inflammatory process and infection, usually involving fluid in the lungs.Atelectasis is basically a collapsed lung.

Why does a pneumothorax frequently lead to atelectasis?

A pneumothorax frequently lead to atelectasis because it will force the lungs to collapse. This is a condition whereby air it trapped outside the lungs.

What is posterior atelectasis?

what is bilateral posterior atelectasis of the lungs

What the common types of atelectasis?

Resorption atelectasis

What is atelectasis posteriorly?

atelectasis = collapse of the lungs. posteriorly = toward the back.

Can AIDS lead to pneumonia?

In recent years this virus has resulted in a huge increase in the incidence of pneumonia

Can methadone and percocet use lead to pneumonia?

Maybe. It can cause respitory depression which can aid pneumonia to gain a foot hold. It will not cause pneumonia in itself.

How does pneumonia affect the pharynx?

Pneumonia generally leads to an inflammation of the trachea. Because Pneumonia can affect the respiratory system, it may lead to increased phlegm or fluid in the trachea.

What is an atelectasis?

An atelectasis is a collapse of a part or of the whole lung caused by inner factors rather than a pneumothorax.

How does pneumonia affect the lungs?

Either from fluid build up or if pneumonia is bacterial in origin, your body tries to fight it off forming mucus. If the mucus builds up and isn't cleared out of your system, it begins to stick to the walls and lining of your lungs. This can cause "atelectasis" which is the collapsing of part of your's all down hill from there..... :(