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Q: How can aunt pass child custody over to grandmother?
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If an Aunt has phys and legal custody of a niece can she transfer custody to another Aunt without involving the 7 year absent mother?

Yes because the mother had no custody over the child

Can a grandmother win custody over a fit mother?

In the United States, a fit mother will almost always win custody over a grandmother. There would need to be some other considerations for a grandmother to win.

Can a grandmother sign over custody of her daughter's children is she is the guardian?

if the grandmother has current custody i think so depends on the provinces/states laws

How can a mother gain custody back of her son after signing over legal custody to his aunt?

In order for a mother to regain custody of her son after signing over legal custody to his aunt, she would typically need to go through the legal process of petitioning the court to modify the custody arrangement. This may involve demonstrating that there has been a significant change in circumstances or proving that it is in the best interest of the child to have custody returned to the mother. Consulting with a family law attorney would be recommended to navigate the specific legal requirements and options in their jurisdiction.

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How often is the father awarded custody of the child over the mother in North Carolina?

Is it possible for an aunt at the age of 15 to get custody of her 1 year old niece?

No you are too young. A fifteen year old is still considered a child in the eyes of the law. They cannot be appointed a guardian over another child.

Can you get custody back after singning over custody?

You have to apply in court and they will see what is best for the child.

If a Grandmother has custody because mother is mentally health issues how does a father receive rights over his child?

Wording the question the way you did makes me wonder if you should. I changed it. see link below

I have legal custody of my cousin what is differnce between full custody and guardianship because board of social services is challenging my authority ?

Both full custody parents/guardians have say over the child. However, just because you are someones guardian does not mean that you have full custody of that child all of the time. It simply means you have say so in the childs life. This is how it was when my grandmother had full custody of me, however, my uncles were my guardians. I do not belive this particular law varies from place to place.

When the mother who has full custody dies and the father does not have custody and has not had any contact with the child but has been with grandmother since birth who gets child?

This is not a one answer fits all type question. The father would have priority rights over a grandparent. However, it would depend on many factors such as stability, capacity to care for the child, etc. In the end, everything would come down to the decision of the judge.

Why can ex file for custody over and over?

Change in circumstances for best interest of the child

Can someone sign over custody of their child if they are a minor in Tennessee with a notarized piece of paper?

Custody is determined by the courts.