

How can both legal and illegal aliens can live in the US?

Updated: 9/13/2022
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9y ago

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Legal aliens came to the US with the proper paperwork. Illegal aliens came to the US without that paperwork. Some of them came to evade dangers in their own countries or because they had family here. Some came for economic opportunity. Some came to participate in criminal activity.

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Melyssa Goodwin

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Q: How can both legal and illegal aliens can live in the US?
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What is the difference between legal aliens and illegal aliens.?

Legal aliens come from their country and take all the citizenship tests they need to. Meanwhile illegal aliens live in a foreign country without taking any of the citizenship tests.

How can legal and illegal aliens can live in the US?

Legal aliens came to the US with the proper paperwork. Illegal aliens came to the US without that paperwork. Some of them came to evade dangers in their own countries or because they had family here. Some came for economic opportunity. Some came to participate in criminal activity.

People from other countries who come to live in the US are called?

It depends the legal ones are called immigrants but the illegal ones are usually called illegal aliens since they're from another country

How do you meet aliens?

If the question is asking about foreign visitors (both legal and illegal) to a country of which they are not a citizen -- the answer is that the legal aliens are issued ID cards or papers of some type which identifies them as being legally admitted to the country - usually for a set predetermined length of time.The illegal aliens have no such documentation issued to them and it should only be a matter of time before it becomes obvious who they are since it is almost impossible, in this day and age, to live and function without some type of legal government document.If the question is actually about the extraterrestrial type of aliens - I'm sorry to say that there are no such plans in place.

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Yes, you can get in trouble for letting an illegal alien live with you. Harboring and abetting illegal aliens is a felony under federal law.

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It depends on where you live. in the suburbs it is illegal.

What do you call people who go to live in another country without permission of its government?

Illegal immgrants/aliens. Asylum seekers. Occupying forces.

Is it illegal for a legal Mexican to live in the us?

No, if they are in the US legally, they are allowed to live here.

Illegal alien born in the us a citizen?

If someone is born in the USA, they are a natural born citizen. Illegal aliens are those who are born elsewhere and live in the USA without permission.

Are mexicans considered illegal aliens?

Yes, if they don't have the correct documents for living in the US. An alien is simply a person or being from another land. If a person wasn't born in a country and are not registered to live there, then they are "illegal aliens." Of course, a more PC term is "undocumented citizens."

Do aliens really live?

aliens do live if u have seen or heard about the signs u will know that aliens do live

Is it possible that aliens can live in such a way that we wouldn't realize they are aliens?

If you are talking about illegal aliens... then probably yes because America's government still hasn't take care of all them. if you are talking about the aliens from outer space, then think about this: they may live among us and we just don't kno. they could be your neighbor for all you know. so that's my point. aliens may be in pretty good disguises...