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I shouldn't think that it can be used in that way. Indeed the foam used in some fire extinguishers is made up of lots of bubbles of carbon dioxide.

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Q: How can carbon dioxide be used as a fuel?
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Is carbon dioxide a fuel?

Carbon dioxide cannot be used as an ordinary fuel as it is a product of the combustion of carbon.

Is Carbon Dioxide used as rocket fuel?

No. It is never used as a fuel.

A difference between hydrogen and carbon dioxide?

carbon dioxide is quite unreactive and used in fire extinguishers. Hydrogen burns readily with oxygen and is used as a rocket fuel.

What effect does fuel have on the amount of carbon dioxide in the air?

Most of our fuel is fossil fuel, that is, coal, oil and natural gas. When these are used for fuel (by burning) they release carbon which has been stored in them for millions of years. This is adding to the amount of carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) in the atmosphere.

Why is carbon dioxide not used as an fuel as cow dunk is used as to generate biomass energy though it is a waste and carbon dioxide is also a waste then also why it is not used to generate energy?

Carbon Dioxide doesn't burn, "Cow dunk" contains methane which does burn.

What two ingredients are necessary for combustion?

Carbon and oxygen combine to form carbon dioxide, CO2, during the combustion of fuel.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are designed for which fuel types?

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers can be used on Class B, C and E.

Which fossil fuel has the highest contribution to carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere?

Coal is used most, and also emits most carbon dioxide pollution.

When fuel is used where does the matter go?

It's converted into exhaust gases such as carbon dioxide. After combustion, the oxygen that was required now carries carbon and sulfides that used to make up the fuel.

Which gas reacts with the fuel vapour to make carbon dioxide?

C 02- carbon dioxide

Which energy sources produce carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide?

Burning coal (a fossil fuel) releases carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide.

How carbon dioxide control fire?

3 elements are needed for a fire: fuel, oxygen (air), and heat. The carbon dioxide is used to displace the oxygen being used in a fire. Since fire has no more oxygen available because it is replaced by the carbon dioxide, the fire will go out.