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they can be used by which way the last star is going

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Q: How can constellations be used as navigation?
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How are constellations helpful to astronomers?

constellations aren't particularly helpful to scientists. they were helpful to people in ancient times for navigation and the answers to the unknown

Do you still look at constellations for navigation?

Some times people do but that's why we have gps's and internet services

What are uses of constellation?

Constellations are used as a way of mapping surrounding space so that's its easier for us to find certain planets/stars alot easier. Also in history these constellations have being used for Astrology which is suposerly a way of reading ones future, hope this helps

Is Orion the constellation used for navigation?

no it is not used for navigation

Why could sailors not use constellation in navigation.?

Most constellations are circumpolar. Over the course of a night they appear to rotate around the North pole and so do not identify a specific direction. As a reult they are of little use for navigation.

Navigation used in a sentence as noun?

Yes, This is the navigation. The G.P.S is a navigation device. Where is the navigation?

Why are constellations important?

Celestial constellations have religious and cultural significance. They also can be used as navigational tools by orientating star maps at certain times of night to match up. Many uses.

Why a river is not used for navigation in Japan?

Rivers are not used for navigation in Japan due to their state in the map where they contain more waterfalls which are unnecessary for navigation.

What is the uses of constlation?

Constellations are used for navigating. Since different constellations appear in different parts of the world at different times of the year, if you know the approximate time of the year you can figure out where you are by the constellations.

Where can you purchase a used TomTom navigation system?

A TomTom navigation system can be purchased new or used on a site such as Amazon. The site will have items for sale that are difficult to find, included used navigation systems.

What are the importance of constellations?

Constellations have been used to tell time for hundreds of years. The 12 zodiacal constellations are used to symbolize the 12 months in a yearly cycle. another is, It may lead a person to their position & to use this information in many ways like telling direction.

Is Gemini used to point to other constellations or planets?
