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Q: How can consumers help fair trade producers?
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How do producers and consumers help each other?

because producers buy the food and consumers taste it so that when they trade with other companies they will know if they haven't given any rotten food.

Fair trade is designed to help which group of people?

Fair trade is an organized social movement and market-based approach that help producers in developing countries make better trading conditions and promote sustainability.

How does producers help us?

Producers, consumers, and decomposers are three categories on the food chain. Producers help us because they supply the food that the consumers eat. (Humans are consumers.) Producers are plants. When you eat an apple, (a producer) it is producing energy and food for you so it is helping you.

Why should consumers help buy fair trade chocolate and coffee?

The producers spend hours working getting the cocoa beans and coffee beans. They do the hardest work and they only earn a very small amount of money. Where as with fair trade you pay a little bit more and the producers earn more money for what they deserve. This money could be used for the community or business. The community can get better health care and facilities. I hope this helped.

How does supporting fair trade help consumers?

They are able to know that their purchases are not supporting unfair labor practices.

Will fair trade agreement have raised the quality of life for coffee producers so fair trader agreement could be used to help farmers as well will that be appeals to authority emotion or reason?


What are the importance of AIDS to trade in commerce?

To help the producers

Why do you have fair trade?

We have fair trade so that all the communities in developing countries can earn a fair amount of money from producing crops. They also get decent working conditions, commitment from the buyers, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for the farmers and producers. We don't actually "need" fair trade, as you can buy your products from many other producers, but buying from fair trade helps to support your fellow human and recognize their basic rights. You are 'giving them a life' by supporting this organisation. Another reason for fair trade is that it helps the environment by halting deforestation for mass crop growing and it supports sustainable preparations that minimize our environmental footprint. Fair trade includes many cultures and sells products that are unique to the places they come from and the people who make them. Farmers and artisans are involved in the entire process, and fair trade tries to ensure that their products reflect the people and cultures they come from. We have fair trade so that we can support everyone in the world and give them an equal chance to survive. No one should be more important than anyone else and we should give them help to look after their families.

How does the ocean kelp forest in the 1800s show how producers and consumers are related?

Because they help each other

What signals do high prices send to producers and consumers?

I asked this question why does nobody know this please help me ):<

How does the oceans kelp forest in the 1800s show how producers and consumers are related?

Because they help each other

How does the ocean's kelp forest in the 1800s show how producers and consumers are related?

Because they help each other