

Fair Trade

Fair trade is an agricultural economic practice that ensures producers from poorer countries or are poor themselves get fair prices on the crops and livestock they sell. Information on fair trade can be shared here.

689 Questions

Which soil has highest percolation rate?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sandy soil typically has the highest percolation rate among different types of soil. Its larger particles create larger pore spaces, allowing water to move through the soil more easily. This can lead to faster drainage and water infiltration compared to other soil types like clay or loam.

Does Kenya have Fair Trade?

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Asked by BirdIsDaWordGuy

Yes, Kenya does have Fair Trade practices in certain sectors, such as tea and coffee. Small-scale farmers and producers participate in Fair Trade programs to ensure they receive fair prices for their products and adhere to ethical and sustainable production practices. These initiatives aim to promote social and environmental standards while empowering local communities.

What are some catchy titles for science fair project about liquids and plants?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. "Liquid Growth: Exploring the Effects of Different Solutions on Plant Growth"
  2. "Nourishing Nature: Investigating the Impact of Liquids on Plant Health"
  3. "Fluid Dynamics in Flora: An Analysis of How Liquids Influence Plant Growth"

How did people feel towrds hernado Cortes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Opinions on Hernan Cortes varied greatly depending on who you ask. Some saw him as a courageous and skilled conquistador who expanded the Spanish Empire, while others viewed him as a ruthless and brutal leader who caused great harm to the indigenous populations of Mexico.

Why did the Egyptians set up trade maps?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Egyptians set up trade maps to facilitate the transport of goods, establish trade routes, and enhance economic activities. These maps helped them identify the best paths for trade, locate resources, and maintain communication networks with other civilizations.

How was irrigation connected to trade?

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Asked by Wiki User

Irrigation allowed for increased agricultural productivity, leading to surpluses of food that could be traded with neighboring communities. As societies developed more sophisticated irrigation systems, their ability to grow crops in larger quantities and variety improved, enabling them to engage in trade and establish economic relationships with other groups. In this way, irrigation was crucial in facilitating trade by creating stable food supplies that could be exchanged for other goods.

How did trade help the Phoencians?

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Asked by Fcue

Trade helped the Phoenicians by allowing them to grow wealthy and powerful through their dominance of maritime trade routes in the Mediterranean. They traded goods such as purple dye, glassware, and cedar wood, creating extensive networks and partnerships with other civilizations. This brought them prosperity and cultural exchange.

Was the feudal system fair if so how fair?

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Asked by Wiki User

The feudal system was not fair as it concentrated power and wealth in the hands of the nobility while peasants had very few rights and opportunities for social mobility. Status was largely determined by birth and there was limited room for individuals to improve their social standing through their own efforts.

Is there fair trade law in ohio?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Ohio does not have a specific fair trade law. However, businesses in Ohio are expected to adhere to fair trade practices and consumer protection laws at both the state and federal levels.

Why are laws fair?

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Asked by Wiki User

Copyright law acknowledges the hard work of creators by giving them exclusive rights to their work for a limited time. It has certain limitations, defenses, and exceptions allowing others to use the materials in specific cases, but most uses must be licensed, allowing the creator to make money (if he or she chooses) from the work. After the prescribed amount of time, protection expires, and the work enters the public domain.

In short, copyright law gives creators and users certain rights and responsibilities.

What are the example cases of fair trade law?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examples of fair trade laws include regulations that govern fair wages and working conditions for laborers, restrictions on child labor, and mandates for environmentally sustainable practices. Fair trade laws also aim to prevent exploitation of workers and ensure that producers receive a fair price for their goods. Additionally, these laws may include requirements for companies to adhere to ethical business practices and transparency in their supply chains.

How does fair trade link to religious education?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fair trade aligns with the values taught in religious education, such as justice, compassion, and social responsibility. By promoting fair wages, safe working conditions, and environmental sustainability, fair trade practices reflect the ethical principles upheld by many religious teachings. Studying fair trade in religious education can deepen students' understanding of their moral obligations to create a more just and equitable world.

Why should religious people buy fair trade items?

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Asked by Wiki User

Religious teachings often emphasize values of fairness, compassion, and justice, which align with the principles of fair trade. Purchasing fair trade items allows religious people to support ethical practices, promote social justice, and help alleviate poverty in marginalized communities, in line with their beliefs and values.

What did the Arctic people trade?

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Asked by Wiki User

Arctic people typically traded items like furs, ivory, bones, and minerals with neighboring tribes or more distant cultures through trade routes across the Arctic region. These trade networks were vital for acquiring resources not readily available in their local environment.

What is knowledge fair?

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Asked by Wiki User

A knowledge fair is an event where people share information and knowledge on various topics through presentations, workshops, exhibitions, and discussions. It aims to promote learning, collaboration, and networking among individuals interested in similar subjects.

Where did Yolngu people trade?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yolngu people, indigenous to Australia's Northern Territory and Arnhem Land, historically engaged in trade with neighboring groups by traveling along trade routes that connected various communities. They would trade items such as tools, weapons, shells, ochre, and bush foods in exchange for other goods. Trading networks extended across the region, fostering relationships and cultural exchanges between different clans and tribes.

Who dies on fair city?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dublin street boys

Would a person waiting to open a sporting goods company support free trade?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a person waiting to open a sporting goods company would likely support free trade as it would provide access to a wider range of products at competitive prices, allowing their business to offer a diverse selection of merchandise to customers while keeping costs low. Free trade can also open up opportunities for exporting their products to international markets, further expanding their business potential.

What is register the trade mark identity?

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Asked by RizwanMarfanifb5809

Registering a trademark identity involves legally protecting the unique symbols, words, names, or designs that distinguish a product, service, or business from others. When you register a trademark identity, you gain exclusive rights to use that mark in connection with your goods or services, and you can prevent others from using a similar mark in a way that could cause confusion.

The process of registering a trademark identity typically includes:

  1. Trademark Search: Conducting a thorough search to ensure that your intended trademark is not already in use by another entity.

  2. Application Filing: Submitting a trademark application to the appropriate government agency, such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in the United States.

  3. Examination: The trademark office will review your application to ensure it meets legal requirements and doesn't conflict with existing trademarks.

  4. Publication: In some jurisdictions, the trademark application may be published for opposition, allowing others to object if they believe it could cause confusion.

  5. Registration: If the application is approved and there are no objections, your trademark identity will be registered, providing legal protection for your mark.

Registering a trademark identity offers several benefits, including the ability to protect your brand, enforce your rights against potential infringers, and establish a strong brand presence in the market. It's an important step for businesses looking to safeguard their intellectual property.

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When do they have wristbands at the fair?

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Asked by Wiki User

I think on thursday

Why is fair trade chocolate an issue?

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Asked by Wiki User

its creates pollution when the products are being transported to the country it is going to.

By your mum

What year was the fair trade foundation established?

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Asked by Wiki User

it was established in 1992 by a number of British Charity's

What does the green mean of the fair trade mark?

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Asked by Wiki User

The green represents the grass. The blue represents the sky. And the black part in the middle shows a man or a woman with their arm raised. This could represent the farmer holding up their product. A consumer reaching up to get a Fairtrade product off the shelf at the shop. Or, a Fairtrade campaigner fighting for a fairer trading system.