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Q: How can deterioration of the bones be slowed after the age of 30?
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What measures can be taken in relation to exercise before and after the age of 30 to make sure older adults have strong and healthy bones?

A regular regimen of exercise will lead to a longer healthier life. Weight baring exercise tends to assist in securing stronger, healthier bones as we age.

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How many bones is in a giraffe body?

The giraffe has the same number of bones that of a human in the backbone, 33.

When was Tones for Joan's Bones created?

Tones for Joan's Bones was created on 1966-11-30.

How do you keep bones health?

Bone health is very dependent on both diet and exercise. Up to the age of 30 we build up our bones but after that point we breakdown bone faster that we build it. Vitamins B6, D and e along with calcium will help to keep bones strong and healthy. You can receive these either from diet or supplementation. Remember it is important to take care of bone health at an early age to avoid problems later in life.

Where can you but the Bones episode on Dvd?

1 place i know you can buy "Bones" is JB HI FI. You can normally get it for about $30

Why are there discs of cartilage in our backbones?

The cartilage discs are the intervertebral discs. These are present to help cushion the bones to prevent the bones grinding into each other (which would cause severe arthritis by the age of 30 if there were no discs). Also, the discs help keep the spine flexible, so you can bend, turn and twist throughout the neck and torso.

Is it possible to continue building bone after age 30?

Bone is continually being recycled and replaced, it happens about every 7 years while young and slows down in old age, but even when you are old your bones are no more than a decade or so old.

If you have 206 bones and 22 skull bones what percentage of human bones are skull bones?

The human skeleton has 206 bones and the human skull has 22 bones. The percentage will be: 22/206*100=10.67961165% OR it can be: 30/206*100= 15% (depending on the amount of human skull bones)

Why do i have 31 spinal nerves and only 30 spinal bones?

There are 7 cervical vertebrae and 8 cervical spinal nerves. This explains why you have 31 spinal nerves relative to the 30 vertebral bones.

How many bones does a parakeet have?

It depends upon the bird. The number of vertebrae can even vary within different species of the same genus.