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Q: How can dialysis tubing be used to model a selectively permeable membrane?
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Which part of a kidney dialysis apparatus actually takes the place of the nephron?

tubing made of selectively permeable membrane

What physical property of the dialysis tubing might explain its differential permeability?

Dialysis tubing is an impermeable membrane/containment vessel that is stratified with microscopic holes which restrict certain molecules or particles from diffusing through them. This leads dialysis tubing to serve as a selectively permeable membrane because it selectively prevents certain molecules from crossing the membrane based on the size of the molecules. (Typically water and glucose will diffuse through, whereas starch and potassium iodide will not.

A cell membrane is like a what?

A semi-permeable membrane. It could be compared to dialysis tubing.

What does dialysis tubing represent in your model?

Dialysis Tubing is a type of semi or partially permeable membrane tubing made from regenerated cellulose or cellophane. It is used for diffusion, or more accurately osmosis. It allows the passage of small molecules but not larger ones. It is used in clinical circumstances to ensure a filtered flow of molecules, preventing the flow of larger solute molecules. Small molecules can be 'washed' out of a solution which is pumped through the tubing into a solvent, usually water, which surrounds it and in which they can be flushed away.

What is dialysis tubing supposed to mimic?

The dialysis tubing is meant to represent the semi permeable membrane of a cell. Like the cell membrane, dialysis tubing has holes or pores that only allow certain things to pass through. A cell membrane similarly will only allow certain things to pass in and out.

Is the Visking tubing a partailly permeable membrane and why?

Yes, it is a partially permeable membrane. It allows certain substances like glucose and water molecules to diffuse through but not large molecules like starch and sucrose. Selectively permeable.

Type of tubing that is semi-permeable?

The type of tubing that is semi-permeable is that tubing used for dialysis. It needs to be semi-permeable to switch or remove molecules for different types of diffusion.

Is dialysis tubing permeable to iodine?

No, tubing is not permeable at all, although the dialyzer is permeable to many solutes, depending on the type of dialyzer prescribed by a physician.

Why do you use dialysis tubing as a model for a cell membrane?

Dialysis tubing is often used to model a cell membrane because it is also a semi-permeable membrane. This means that it only allows certain substances through, not all.

What is the Simlilarity between osmosis and reverse osmosis?

1) They both require the presence of a differentially/selectively permeable membrane/tubing. 2) They both refers to the flow of water(ONLY WATER!!!) through a differentially/selectively permeable membrane/tubing . 3) They both require energy. - They both cannot at -273.15 degree Celsius. 4) They will both reach a equilibrium and eventually stop.

How does osmosis is differ from reverse osmosis?

1) Osmosis refers to the flow of water along the water potential through a selectively/differentially permeable membrane/tubing due to a difference in water potential. Reverse osmosis refers to the flow of water against the water potential through a selectively/differentially permeable membrane/tubing due to energy gained from the surroundings or an increase in pressure.


1) Osmosis refers to the flow of water along the water potential through a selectively/differentially permeable membrane/tubing due to a difference in water potential. Reverse osmosis refers to the flow of water against the water potential through a selectively/differentially permeable membrane/tubing due to energy gained from the surroundings or an increase in pressure.