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I distinctly remember seeing this question on a previous test.

The information regarding this subject is distinctly imprinted in my permanent memory.

The garbage can's odor was distinctly different from the air inside the flower shop.

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6mo ago

She has a distinctly unique style of painting that sets her apart from other artists.

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Q: How can distinctly be used in a sentence?
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How would you use 'distinctly' in a sentence?

I distinctly recall the incident in question. The skunk left a distinctly unique calling card.

Can you give me a sentence with the word distinctly?

Her voice was distinctly different from the others in the room.

What is a sentence for the word nationalize?

Nationalize means to make distinctly national. Church designs in that century were nationalized.

What does distinctly mean?

"Distinctly" means in a clear and unmistakable manner, or in a way that shows noticeable differences or characteristics.

How do you use distinctive in a sentence?

You just did. However, there is a distinction between your usage of the word and my usage in this sentence. The distinction should be noted in the way in which I make my usage of the word distinct from your usage. My sentence distinctly uses the word 'distinction' in order to distinguish or contrast it from the way it was used in your sentence, thus defining the manner in which the word is used.

Is distinctly different redundant?

Not at all. In this usage, distinctly simply means clearly.

What is a sentence with the word groan?

I distinctly heard the motorcycle's suspension groan when the man alit. My feeble attempts at humor often make my audience groan in agony.

What is the process of speaking clearly or distinctly?

Good Elocution is the process of speaking clearly or distinctly

What is another word for distinctly?

Clearly is another word for distinctly. Additional synonyms include unmistakably and precisely.

What is Distinctly Visual?

Distinctly visual is language that shows visually the similarities and differences between characters. We may also perceive a distinct visual image from setting and characters. The language used in the text will provide visual examples of setting, characters, place and time.

Why are parentheses used in formulas?

It is in the intention of grouping the substances (specially ions) when there may be a confusion in their chemical formulas if they haven't distinctly interpreted.

Why in titration of kmno4 no indicator is used?

Because KMnO4 is an internal indicator.. No need to have any indicator.. it has distinctly different colour when it is reduced