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Pros:It will make you loose and you will make friends. Making friends will help your self esteem. Cons: you will probably contract syphillis.....

Update: those who dont drink have recently been found to have less friends, and fewer close friends than those who do. they also have higher depression scores. drinkers have more friends typically, but have higher anxiety scores.

drinking itself, unless chronic, wont effect your self esteem. and what you do while under the influence is still rooted in you. youll avoid this and much more in life if you take responsibility for your actions.

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Drinking alcohol can temporarily boost confidence by reducing inhibitions and social anxiety. However, as alcohol impairs judgment and behavior, it can lead to embarrassing or regrettable actions that may negatively impact self-esteem. Long-term alcohol abuse can contribute to feelings of guilt, shame, and inadequacy, further damaging self-esteem.

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