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Q: How can ecotourism help stop the coral reefs from being endangered?
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Are coral reefs endangered?

yes coral reefs are very endangered and so are many of of the species that live in them

How are coral reefs being endangered?

The way coral reefs are being endangered are by us. We keep on throwing waste on the beaches. The water washes up on shore. And the waste floats down to the coral reefs. And the fishes and species that live there are either eating it or living in it. If they eat it the chemicals in the waste can kill them! if they are living in them then the saltwater in the coral reefs since the water is so warm, it release the chemicals in the water and the water gets into the species gills and kills them. It is up to us to stop throwing or leaving waste on the beaches so the coral reefs aren't in dangered anymore. So that is how the caorl reefs are endangered.

Is the orange clown fish endangered?

Yes it is. Because reefs and coral are being destroyed. Those are what the live in.

What is deterioration of coral reefs?

Coral reefs are being killed by pollutants.

How are coral reefs being damaged?


What structures do coral colonies produce?

Coral Reefs

Are dolphins in the coral reefs?

no dolphins are not in coral reefs.

What coral reef is in California?

There are no coral reefs IN California

How coral reefs are destroyed?

The reefs are being mined to be use as building materials.Some reefs are being buried in silt because of erosion of mountains and hills.Reefs are polluted by sewage that is drained into the sea.Fishermen use dynamite to blow up coral reefs so that they will have more fish to catch.

Where does the name coral reef come from?

The reason they are called Coral Reef is because there are lots of coral in those locations, and they are also called coral reefs or reefs of coral reefs of coral too.

Are coral reefs can be gas for ships?

are coral reefs can be gas of ships?

What problem does coral reefs have?

coral reefs are being hurt by pollution, overfishing, and other problems. Recently, researchers at a meeting on coral reefs sounded the alarm. They said that if nothing is done, more than half the world's coral could die within the next 25 years.