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Q: How can electric current pass through a person?
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Do Vegetables have electric current?

I've never tried it and I could be wrong but I believe you could pass an electric current through a vegetable, especially one with a high water content. Similar to how you can pass an electric current through a person.

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Yes, we can boil water if we pass enough current through it......

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What does electric current pass easily through?

it can easily pass through a wire a conductor or a battery

Is this sentence incorrect any material that allows an electric current to pass through is called a battery?

Incorrect. Any material that allow electric current to pass through it is a conductor.

Why steel becomes a permanent magnet after electric current is passed through it?

Electric current is magnetic so when electric current pass through steel , steel will have the electric power and may be magnetic for awhile

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Electric Current

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an instalor

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The current cannot pass through the oils.Oils are moleculer so molecules cannot conduct electric current

Why can not electric current pass through wood?

coz wood is an insulator, where there's no free electrons n thus current pass through the wood :)

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