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These people design and develop products when the product is sold the nation will gain taxes from those products

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Q: How can electrical and electronics engineers help develop a nation?
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No, a nation cannot develop without increasing energy consumption. Though a nation might be able to develop by increasing the consumption of energy marginally over time, there is no way to continue a nation's development without added consumption of energy.

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India is a sovereign nation and develops and follows its own standards for electrical safety.

Survey of the new technologies in electronic communication?

The technology in the present day that india have is mostly a foreign exported one.In order to develop the nation in terms of electronics technology ,it is must to have the never existing technology in the nation . It is possible only with the new ideas that can be given by the fresh brains of the generation of the next. so indian's should start to be creative so that we can reach the peak of the world

What role can women play to develop any nation?

Leading it is a role that helps.