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Q: How can explosive volcanic eruptions affect the atmosphere and weather around the world?
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Dust and ash entering the atmosphere as a result of volcanic eruptions can affect earths?

Weather and climate.

Are volcanic eruptions weather or climate related?

No, climate and weather do not cause volcanic eruptions. However weather affects the products produced by a volcanic eruption.

Is a volcano eruption considered a weather event?

No. While volcanic eruptions can affect weather, they are considered geologic events.

Is an eruption weather?

No. While some very large volcanic eruptions can affect the weather, the euption itself is a geologic event.

How can a volcano eruption affect weather conditions locally and globally?

Volcanic eruptions affect the weather conditions locally and globally by cooling the planet.

Which is cause by the suns energy A weather B earthquakes C mountain building D volcanic eruptions?


How can a volcano affect you if you live 1000 miles away from the volcano?

The volcanic activity can alter the weather patterns. Large explosive eruptions can coat areas over 1,000 miles away in a layer of fine ash. Ash at high altitudes can pose a risk to planes in flight.

What conditions would be necessary for an earthquake or volcanic eruptions to occur outside these zone?

it can happen any weather at any time during the year.

Which factors help determine whether a volcanic eruption will be explosive or relatively quiet?

The volatile content of the magma. Weather water or Ice has ingres to the volcanic vent. The physical stability of the volcano.

Is a tsunami a type of weather?

No, tsunamis are caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or asteroid impacts, which then displace a massive amount of water, in the form of multiple tsunami waves. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and asteroids have nothing to do with the weather.

Is a tsunami caused by weather or by a geologic phenomenon?

Not often by weather but mostly underwater volcanic eruptions-it's a matter of opinion if you think it's just nature, or geologic phenomenon. I hope this helps!

Does the catastrophe have weather geologic or humans?

It depends on the kind of catastrophe. Catastrophes such as hurricanes and tornadoes are caused by weather. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are geologic events. Train wrecks and industrial accidents are human-caused.