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Q: How can farmer reduce the use of pesticides?
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What are the methods applied to reduce the intake of pesticides?

The methods applied to reduce the intake of pesticides are as follows:* The use of pesticides in the fields must be regulated* Excessive use of water in the field may wash of the pesticides tothe near by water channel which is taken by human beings

Could you give an Examples of advantages in using pesticides?

pest reduce productivity. use of pesticides increases food production and reduces hunger

What reason might a farmer have for using biological control instead of chemical pesticides?

what reason might a farmer have for using bioligical control instead of chemical pesticides

What methods could be applied to reduce intake of pesticides?

Pesticides and chemicals have become a big threat for our health and if we donot take corrective action now we will be in big problems especially health wise. What can we do to reduce intake of pesticides - well many actions can be taken like: 1- Take only organically grown food. 2- Reduce use of chemicals. 3- Make people aware about problems due to pesticides intake especially the farmers and ask them not to use chemicals and pesticides for farming. 4- People think productivity goes down if we do not use chemical fertilisers and pesticides but it is not so organic inputs can give better results and we need to educated our farmers about this.

What is an example sentence for pesticides?

An example sentence for pesticides would be...I watched the farmer put pesticides on his plants so it would kill insectsOr something like that!Don't pesticides kill insects?

Why do people still use pesticides when they know it could be doing harm to the wildlife and pets around them?

This is purely for economic reasons. Without the application of pesticides, the crop would be destroyed by pests thus incurring heavy loss to the farmer. Moreover, the farmer does not have choice other than harmful pesticides to save his crops from devouring pests. <><><> Pesticides do not have to harm wildlife and pets. The flea medicine you use on your dog or cat is a pesticide, as are substances used to control mosquitoes and ticks- which carry disease. Without pesticides, thousands of people would die from malaria.

How does one become an organic farmer in California?

Move to California buy a farm or land zoned for farming, then plant seeds and do not use any pesticides or fertilizer.

How does a farmer use science in their daily work?

For things like mixing chemicals and handling chemicals (i.e., pesticides and herbicides), judging plant growth stages, observing plant's reactions to added fertilizers and/or pesticides, and managing and raising livestock.

What does a farmer have to do to claim his food is organic?

A farmer must use seeds that are organic, unless there are none available, but regardless, the seeds must not be GMO seeds. No synthetic fertilizers or pesticides can be used, except in extreme conditions as determined by the USDA.

What conservation methods could the farmer try?

The farmer could use agroforestry practices to plant trees among crops to increase biodiversity and improve soil health. Implementing sustainable water management techniques such as drip irrigation or rainwater harvesting can help conserve water. Adopting integrated pest management strategies and organic farming practices can reduce the need for harmful chemicals and pesticides.

What can you do to reduce the use of pesticides?

Sanitation, good housekeeping practices, harborage reduction, moisture reduction or creating a hostile environment in some cases.

Why do you use pesticides for fertilizing?

the pesticides kill pests, like worms and mice, which compete with the plants for some things from the soil like nutrients, and they also eat the plant directly, killing it. if some of the plants die, then the overall yield is reduced, the farmer makes less money, and the price of food could go up. if the farming is organic, then no man made chemicals can be use as pesticides.